H-mode Workshop 2015
October 19-21, 2015, Garching, Germany
Announcement of the H-mode Workshop 2017
We are pleased to announce that the 16th workshop on H-mode physics and transport barriers will take place in St. Petersburg, Russia from 13-15 September this year. We hope to see you all there.
The deadline for Nuclear Fusion special issue is approaching!
We would to remind all those who are submitting a paper for the NF special issue that the deadline is fast approaching. This deadline is January 31. You should send the paper directly to Nuclear Fusion, following the usual NF instructions for authors and select the NF H-Mode Workshop special issue when you submit.
We cordially invite you to the 15th International workshop on H-Mode and transport barrier physics. This meeting is hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Garching bei München, Germany. It will be held from 19 - 21 October on the IPP campus in Garching.
The focus of the meeting is to present the current status of our understanding of the physics governing entry to and exit from H-mode, transport barrier physics, and scenario performance, as well as the latest results on ELM mitigation. The workshop aims to spark discussion in these various key research areas and to promote a close collaboration not only between theory and experiment, but also internationally.