Konferenzbeitrag (147)

Kubota, T.; Iwasaki, T.; Itoh, S.-I.; Yagi, M.; Fukuyama, A.; Stroth, U.: Avalanche Dynamics of Collapse and Non-Local Model of Transport. In: 24th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, S. 1769 - 1772. 24th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berchtesgaden, 09. Juni 1997 - 13. Juni 1997. European Physical Society, Geneva (1997)
Rust, N.; Beikert, G.; Huebner, K.; Kick, M.; Penningsfeld, F.-P.; Stroth, U.; Weller, A.; Wolle, B.: Simulation and Analysis of Neutral Particle Spectra from W7-AS in Combination with Neutron Activation Measurements. In: 24th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, S. 1621 - 1624. 24th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berchtesgaden, 09. Juni 1997 - 13. Juni 1997. European Physical Society, Geneva (1997)
Sardei, F.; De Michaelis, C.; Feng, Y.; Ghendrih, P.; Grigull, P.; Grisolia, C.; Herre, G.; Hildebrandt, D.; Hofmann, J. V.; Kisslinger, J. et al.; Brakel, R.; Das, J.; Geiger, J.; Heinrich, O.; Kuehner, G.; Niedermeyer, H.; Richter-Gloetzl, M.; Schneider, R.; Stroth, U.; Verbeek, H.; Wagner, F.; Wolf, R.; W7-AS-Team; NBI-Group: Island Divertor Studies on W7-AS. 12th International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices, Saint-Raphael (FR), 20. Mai 1996 - 24. Mai 1996. Journal of Nuclear Materials 241-243, S. 135 - 148 (1997)
Stroth, U.; Anton, M.; Baldzuhn, J.; Burhenn, R.; Geiger, J.; Geist, T.; Giannone, L.; Hartfuss, H. J.; Hirsch, M.; Jaenecke, R. et al.; Koponen, J. P.; Kick, M.; Kuehner, G.; Penningsfeld, F.-P.; Wagner, F.; Weller, A.: High-Confinment NBI Discharges in W7-AS. In: 24th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, S. 1597 - 1600. 24th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berchtesgaden, 09. Juni 1997 - 13. Juni 1997. European Physical Society, Geneva (1997)
Stroth, U.; Burhenn, R.; Geiger, J.; Giannone, L.; Hartfuss, H. J.; Kuhner, G.; Ledl, L.; Simmet, E. E.; Walter, H.: Comparative studies of stellarator and tokamak transport. In: Fusion Energy 1996. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Fusion Energy, S. 127 - 133. 16th International Conference on Fusion Energy, Montreal, 07. Oktober 1996 - 11. Oktober 1996. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna (1997)
Stroth, U.; Burhenn, R.; Geiger, J.; Giannone, L.; Hartfuss, H. J.; Kuehner, G.; Ledl, L.; Simmet, E. E.; Walter, H.; ECRH-Team et al.; W7-AS-Team: Comparative Studies of Stellarator and Tokamak Transport. In: Fusion Energy 1996. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Fusion Energy, S. 127 - 133. 16th International Conference on Fusion Energy, Montreal, 07. Oktober 1996 - 11. Oktober 1996. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna (1997)
Brakel, R.; Gresillon, D.; Hacker, H.; Sitenko, A.; Hildebrandt, D.; Zagorodny, A.; Burhenn, R.; Elsner, A.; Fiedler, S.; Giannone, L. et al.; Goerner, C.; Grigull, P.; Hartfuss, H.-J.; Herrmann, A.; Kuehner, G.; Stroth, U.; Weller, A.; Wolf, R.; W7-AS-Team; ECRH-Group; NI-Group: Radiative Boundary Studies in the Wendelstein 7-AS Stellarator. 23rd EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Kiev (UA). ECA 20C, 2, S. 495 - 498 (1996)
Mueller, G.A.; Prater, R.; Erckmann, V.; S., C. V.; Hartfuss, H.J.; Laqua, H.; Maassberg, H.; Rome, M.; Stroth, U.; Weller, A. et al.; W-VII-AS-Team: Shear Modification by ECCD and Related Confinement Phenomena in W7-AS. In: Proc. 11th Topical Conf. Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Woodbury,NY Palm Springs, CA(US). In: Proc. 11th Topical Conf. Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas 355, S. 133 - 142 (1996)
Baldzuhn, J.; Ohlendorf, W.; Maaßberg, H.; Stroth, U.; Kühner, G.; W7-AS Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Measurement and Calculation of Radial Electric Fields in W7-AS. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Stellarators, S. 144 - 147 (Hg. Ascasibar, E.; Aradna, D.). 10th International Conference on Stellarators, Madrid, 22. Mai 1995 - 26. Mai 1995. (1995)
Erckmann, V.; Gasparino, U.; Hartfuss, H.-J.; Laqua, H.; Maassberg, H.; Ringler, H.; Rome, M.; Stroth, U.; W7-AS-Team; et al.: Perturbative and Stationary ECRH and ECCD Experiments with 70 and 140 GHz at the W7-AS Stellarator: 15. Conference Proceedings. In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Vol. 1, S. 771 - 781. Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Vol. 1, Seville (ES). (1995)
Erckmann, V.; Keen, B.E.; Hartfuss, H.-J.; Stott, P.E.; Laqua, H.; Winter, J.; Maassberg, H.; Rome, M.; Stroth, U.; Weller, A. et al.; W7-AS-Team; et al.: Response of the Plasma Confinement on Shear Modification by Electron Cyclotron Current Drive at W7-AS. Proc. 22nd EPS Conf.on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Geneva Bournemouth, 03. Juli 1995 - 07. Juli 1995. ECA 19C, 1, S. 389 - 392 (1995)
Giannone, L.; Keen, B.E.; Stroth, U.; Stott, P.E.; Koellermeyer, J.; Winter, J.; Alexander, M.; Hartfuss, H.-J.; Ryter, F.; Suttrop, W. et al.; ECRH-Team; W7-AS-Team; AUG-Team: Combined Analysis of Steady State and Transient Transport by the Maximum Entropy Method. Proc. 22nd EPS Conf.on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Geneva Bournemouth, 03. Juli 1995 - 07. Juli 1995. ECA 19C, 4, S. 265 - 268 (1995)
Kuehner, G.; Baldzuhn, J.; Brakel, R.; Burhenn, R.; Das, J.; Elsner, A.; Feng, Y.H.; Gasparino, U.; Grigull, P.; Hacker, H. et al.; Heinrich, O.; Hartfuss, H.-J.; Hirsch, M.; Hofmann, J.; Kick, M.; Maassberg, H.; Mandl, W.; Ohlendorf, W.; Penningsfeld, F.P.; Rome, M.; Ringler, H.; Sardei, F.; Stroth, U.; Verbeek, H.; et al.: Transport Investigations in the WENDELSTEIN 7-AS Stellarator: 15. Conference Proceedings. In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Vol. 1, S. 145 - 155. Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Vol. 1, Seville (ES). (1995)
Peters, M.; Keen, B.E.; Hartfuss, H.-J.; Stott, P.E.; Stroth, U.; Winter, J.; Erckmann, V.; et al.: Transient Electron Heat Transport Experiments in the W7-AS Stellarator and the RTP Tokamak. Proc. 22nd EPS Conf.on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Geneva Bournemouth, 03. Juli 1995 - 07. Juli 1995. ECA 19C, 3, S. 37 - 40 (1995)
Rust, N.; Keen, B.E.; Wolle, B.; Stott, P.E.; Huebner, K.; Winter, J.; Kick, M.; Stroth, U.; et al.: Simulation and Analysis of Neutral Particle Spectra for W7-AS. Proc. 22nd EPS Conf.on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Geneva Bournemouth, 03. Juli 1995 - 07. Juli 1995. ECA 19C, 3, S. 137 - 140 (1995)
Stroth, U.; Baldzuhn, J.; Branas, B.; Erckmann, V.; Estrada, T.; Giannone, L.; Hirsch, M.; Hartfuss, H.; Kick, M.; Kühner, G. et al.; W7-X ECRH Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; W7-AS Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Transport Experiments in W7-AS. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Stellarators, S. 30 - 33 (Hg. Ascasibar, E.; Aradna, D.). 10th International Conference on Stellarators, Madrid, 22. Mai 1995 - 26. Mai 1995. (1995)
Stroth, U.; Baldzuhn, J.; Erckmann, V.; Giannone, L.; Hirsch, M.; Hartfuss, H.-J.; Kick, M.; Kuehner, G.; Ringler, H.; Wagner, F. et al.; ECRH-Group; W7-AS-Team; et al.: Recent Transport Experiments in W7-AS. 6.Internat.Toki Conf.on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion - Research for Advanced Concepts in Magnetic Fusion, Toki (JP), 29. November 1994 - 02. Dezember 1994. Transactions of the Fusion Technology 27, S. 169 - 177 (1995)
Stroth, U.; Zohm, H.; De Blank, H.J.: Experimental Results from Stellarators. In: Summer University for Plasma Physics, S. 161 - 183. Summer University for Plasma Physics, Garching (DE). (1995)
Hartfuss, H. J.; Endler, M.; Erckmann, V.; Gasparino, U.; Giannone, U.; Grigull, P.; Herre, G.; Kick, M.; Kuehner, G.; Niedermeyer, H. et al.; Ringler, H.; Sardei, F.; Stroth, U.; Sattler, S.; Wagner, F.; Weller, A.; W7-AS, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; NBI-Team; ECRH-Group: Physics Studies in W7-AS. 21st European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics (EPS), Montpellier, 27. Juni 1994 - 01. Juli 1994. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 36, S. B17 - B37 (1994)
Peters, M.; Hartfuss, H. J.; Stroth, U.; Erckmann, V.; Giannone, L.; Maassberg, H.: A Comparative Heat Pulse Propagation Study on RTP and W7-AS. In: ECA, Bd. 18B, Part 1, S. 158 - 161 (Hg. Joffrin, E.; Platz, P.). 21st EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Montpellier, 27. Juni 1994 - 01. Juli 1994. European Physical Society, Geneva (1994)
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