Vortrag (1790)

Leuterer, F.; Kirov, K.; Monaco, F.; Münich, M.; Schütz, H.; Ryter, F.; Wagner, D.; Wilhelm, R.; Zohm, H.; Franke, T. et al.; Voigt, K.; Dammertz, G.; Heidinger, R.; Danilov, I.; Koppenburg, K.; Meier, A.; Thumm, M.; Yang, X.; Kasparek, W.; Gantenbein, G.; Hailer, H.; Müller, G. A.; Schwörer, K.; Denisov, G. G.; Litvak, A.; Zapevalov, V.: Status of the new ECRH system. 15th Joint Russian-German STC Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, Garching (2003)
Fantz, U.; Schreck, M.: Niedertemperaturplasmen als industrielle Schlüsseltechnologie. WS 2008/2009. Seminar/Vorlesung, Universität Augsburg
Fantz, U.; Schreck, M.: Niedertemperaturplasmen als industrielle Schlüsseltechnologie. SS 2008. Seminar/Vorlesung, Universität Augsburg
Kallenbach, A.: Multi-machine divertor database in MDS+ format for inter-machine modelling.
Zohm, H.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: News from the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak Programme.

Poster (1783)

Acampora, E.; Di Marzo, V.; Ambrosino, R.; Albanese, R.; Bachmann, C.; Giannini, L.; Luongo, C.; Maviglia, F.; Siccinio, M.: Scenario feasibility and plasma controllability for a Volumetric Neutron Source (VNS). 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024), Dublin (eingereicht)
Albers, F.; Arden, N.; Krause, M.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Development and Optimization of the new Control Interface of the ASDEX Upgrade High Current Converters. 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024), Dublin (eingereicht)
Arden, N.; Albers, F.; Herrmann, A.; Käsemann, C.-P.; Schall, G.; Schandrul, M.; Teschke, M.; Zammuto, I.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Mockup Testing of the new Upper Divertor Coils of ASDEX Upgrade. 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024), Dublin (eingereicht)
Bergmann, M.; Fischer, R.; Angioni, C.; Höfler, K.; Molina Cabrera, P.; Stieglitz, D.; Görler, T.; Luda, T.; Bilato, R.; Tardini, G. et al.; Jenko, F.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Kinetic modeling prior applied to the Integrated Data Analysis Framework. 50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Salamanca (eingereicht)
Berkel, M. v.; Baruzzo, M.; Bernert, M.; Brida, D.; Bosman, T.; Ceelen, L.; Derks, G.; Fedorczak, N.; Fox, P.; Henderson, S. et al.; Jacquet, P.; Koenders, J.; Kool, B.; Lennholm, M.; Lowry, C.; Nouailletas, R.; Kirov, K.; Parrot, A.; Perek, A.; Reimerdes, H.; Ravensbergen, T.; Sieglin, B.; Sun, H.; Theiler, C.; Verhaegh, K.; Vianello, N.; Wiesen, S.; Wijkamp, T.; EUROfusion Tokamak Exploitation Team; JET Contributors; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; MAST-U Team; TCV Team; WEST Team: Exhaust control characterization at the large and midsize tokamaks of Europe. 50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Salamanca (eingereicht)
Body, T. A. J.; Eich, T.; Kallenbach, A.; Kuang, A. Q.; Looby, T.; Kryjak, M.; Grover, O.; Reinke, M.: Towards time-dependent 1D models for detachment access and control. 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, GA (eingereicht)
Bortolon, A.; Schamis, H.; Bykov, I.; Effenberg, F.; Gallo, A.; Gilson, E. P.; Lunsford, R. A.; Masuzaki, S.; Nespoli, F.; Rohde, V. et al.; Sun, Z.; Snipes, J. A.; Maingi, R.: Cross-machine assessment of real-time boronization by solid boron injection. 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, GA (eingereicht)
Breuning, L.; Kerekes, A.; Müller, A. v.; Gawlick, J.; Candas, S.; Zohm, H.; Hamacher, T.: Operational planning of magnetic confinement fusion power plants using a MIP unit-commitment model. 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024), Dublin (eingereicht)
Bruschi, A.; Fanale, F.; Fanelli, P.; Garavaglia, S.; Marsen, S.; Paola, P.; Rispoli, N.; Salvitti, A.; Simonetto, A.; Stange, T. et al.; Wagner, D.: Conceptual studies for the EU-DEMO EC system transmission line. 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024), Dublin (eingereicht)
Buratti, P.; Giovannozzi, E.; Nowak, S.; Pucella, G.; Baruzzo, M.; Challis, C.; Frigione, D.; Garzotti, L.; Hobirk, J.; Joffrin, E. et al.; Kappatou, A.; Lerche, E.; Maggi, C.; Mailloux, J.; Rimini, F.; Van Eester, D.; De la Luna, E.; JET Contributors: Comparison of MHD Onset Conditions in JET-ILW Experiments. 50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Salamanca (eingereicht)
Cani, F.; Balbinot, L.; Innocente, P.; Mantica, P.; Romazanov, J.; Bonanomi, N.: Modeling of tungsten erosion and diffusion in the limiter and ramp-up phases of DTT tokamak with the ERO code. 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, GA (2024)
Danielson, J. R.; Deller, A.; Rogge, C. W.; Stenson, E. V.; Hugenschmidt, C.; Surko, C. M.: A buffer-gas trap for the NEPOMUC positron beam: optimization studies with electrons. 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, GA (2024)
Delabie, E.; Birkenmeier, G.; Cavedon, M.; Hughes, J. W.; Maggi, C. F.; Plank, U.; Ryter, F.; Solano, E. R.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; JET Contributors: Scaling of the L-H threshold power for metal wall machines (ITPA task TC-26). 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, GA (eingereicht)
Franke, T.; Bachmann, C.; Valentine, A.; Doering, A.; Hopf, C.; Claps, V.; Gliss, C.; Härtl, T.; Leichtle, D.; Mozzillo, R. et al.; Riedl, R.; Siccinio, M.: Integration Studies of a Positive Neutral Beam Injector System into the Design of a Volumetric Neutron Source. 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024), Dublin (eingereicht)
Frattolillo, D.; Grazia, L. E. d.; Mattei, M.; Pesamosca, F.: Magnetic control strategies to reduce first wall heat loads in ITER. 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024), Dublin (eingereicht)
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