Poster (1719)

Frigione, D.; Gál, K.; Garzotti, L.; Giovannozzi, E.; Köchl, F.; Kocsis, G.; Lang, P.; Pégourié, B.; Valovic, M.: Analysis of pellet fuelling, ablation and particle deposition at JET. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Fuchs, J. C.; Eich, T.; Giannone, L.; Herrmann, A.; Kallenbach, A.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Radiation Distribution during Seeding Experiments in ASDEX Upgrade. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Giannone, L.; Fuchs, J. C.; McCarthy, P. J.; Schneider, W.; Seidel, U.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Self consistency check of magnetic probe and flux loop response to poloidal field currents on ASDEX Upgrade. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Giovannozzi, E.; Bucalossi, J.; Frigione, D.; Garzotti, L.; Loarer, T.; Beurskens, M. N. A.; Botrugno, A.; Brix, M.; Buratti, P.; Calabro, G. et al.; Cesario, R.; Challis, C.; Coffey, I.; Crisanti, F.; Eich, T.; Flanagan, J.; Giroud, C.; Joffrin, E.; Kempenaars, M.; De la Luna, E.; Lang, P.; Maddison, G.; Mazzotta, C.; Orsitto, F.; Pasqualotto, R.; Pericoli, V.; Rimini, F.; Tudisco, O.; Walsh, M.; Wiesen, S.; Zabeo, L.: Optimizing performance of hybrid and AT discharges for Iter like Wall scenario. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Herrmann, A.; Fuchs, J. C.; Müller, H.-W.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Change from attached to detached divertor conditions and heat load profiles in H-mode discharges in ASDEX Upgrade. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Hicks, N. K.; Buhler, A.; Garcia-Munoz, M.; Maraschek, M.; Sassenberg, K.; Suttrop, W.; Treutterer, W.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Localization of NTMs and Alfven Eigenmodes in ECE Measurements on ASDEX Upgrade. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Höhnle, H.; Stober, J.; Kasparek, W.; Stroth, U.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Investigation of the O2-and X3-mode heating in ASDEX Upgrade. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Hölzl, M.; Günter, S.; Classen, I.; Yu, Q.; TEXTOR Team: Simulation of Heat Transport across Magnetic Islands in TEXTOR. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Huber, A.; Arnoux, G.; Brezinsek, S.; Coad, P.; Eich, T.; Fuchs, J. C.; Fundamenski, W.; Jachmich, S.; Korotkov, A.; Loarte, A. et al.; Meigs, A. G.; Matthews, G. F.; Mertens, P.; Philipps, V.; Pitts, R. A.; Sergienko, G.; Samm, U.; Schweer, B.; Stamp, M. F.: Impact of large type I ELMs on plasma radiation in JET. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Igochine, V.; Dumbrajs, O.; Lackner, K.; Pereverzev, G.; Zohm, H.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Structure of incomplete sawtooth crashes in ASDEX Upgrade. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Jämsä, S.; Kurki-Suonio, T.; Suttrop, W.; Fahrbach, H. U.; Strumberger, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Benchmarking the fully 3D ASCOT-code against experimental NPA data from ASDEX Upgrade. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Kallenbach, A.; Dey, R.; Dux, R.; Fuchs, J. C.; Giannone, L.; Herrmann, A.; Müller, H. W.; Neu, R.; Pütterich, T.; Rohde, V. et al.; Treutterer, W.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Divertor power load feedback with nitrogen seeding in ASDEX Upgrade. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Kocsis, G.; Alonso, J. A.; Alper, B.; Arnoux, G.; Cseh, G.; Figueiredo, J.; Frigione, D.; Garzotti, L.; Hobirk, J.; Kalvin, S. et al.; Lampert, M.; Lang, P. T.; Petravich, G.; Szepesi, T.; Wenninger, R.; ASDEX Upgrade Team; JET-EFDA Contributors: Pellet cloud distribution and dynamics for different plasma scenarios in ASDEX Upgrade and JET. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Kurzan, B.; Fuchs, C.; Scarabosio, A.; Scott, B. D.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Scale lengths of inter-ELM fluctuations in the pedestal of ASDEX Upgrade. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Lang, P. T.; Alonso, A.; Alper, B.; Boboc, A.; Devaux, S.; Eich, T.; Felton, R.; Frigione, D.; Gal, K.; Garzotti, L. et al.; Geraud, A.; Gerasimov, S.; Goniche, M.; Hillairet, J.; Kocsis, G.; Koslowski, R.; Liang, Y.; Loarer, T.; Lomas, P. J.; Maraschek, M.; Müller, H. W.; Nave, F.; Petravich, G.; Saibene, G.; Sartori, R.; Thomsen, H.; Tsalas, M.; Valovic, M.; Wenninger, R.; JET-EFDA Contributors: Pellet fuelling and ELM triggering investigations at JET. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Lunt, T.; Feng, Y.; Sips, A.; Wolfrum, E.; Fischer, R.; Müller, H. W.; Scarabosio, A.; Herrmann, A.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Implementation and applicaction of EMC3-EIRENE at ASDEX Upgrade. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Maddison, G.; Giroud, C.; McCormick, K.; Alonso, A.; Alper, B.; Andrew, Y.; Arnoux, G.; Belo, P.; Beurskens, M.; Boboc, A. et al.; Brezinsek, S.; Brix, M.; Coffey, I.; De la Luna, E.; De Vries, P.; Devaux, S.; Eich, T.; Felton, R.; Fundamenski, W.; Harting, D.; Hobirk, J.; Huber, A.; Jachmich, S.; Jenkins, I.; Joffrin, E.; Kallenbach, A.; Kempenaars, M.; Lehnen, M.; Loarer, T.; McDonald, D.; Meigs, A.; Morgan, P.; Ongena, J.; Rimini, F.; Sirinelli, A.; Stamp, M.; Telesca, G.; Thomsen, H.; Voitsekhovitch, I.; JET EFDA Contributors: Impurity-seeding experiments on JET in preparation for the ITER-like wall. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
McCormick, K.; Maddison, G.; Giroud, C.; Arnoux, G.; Beurskens, M.; Boboc, A.; Brezinsek, S.; Eich, T.; Fundamenski, W.; Hobirk, J. et al.; Huber, A.; Jachmich, S.; Joffrin, E.; Lehnen, M.; Lomas, P.; Meigs, A.; Morgan, P.; Saibene, G.; Stamp, M.; Thomsen, H.; JET EFDA Contributors: High Target Plate Recycling and Degradation of Confinement on JET. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Meo, F.; Salewski, M.; Stejner, M.; Bindslev, H.; Korsholm, S. B.; Leuterer, F.; Leipold, F.; Michelsen, P. K.; Moseev, D.; Garcia-Munoz, M. et al.; Nielsen, S. K.; Stober, J.; Tardini, G.; Wagner, D.; Woskov, P.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Fast ion distribution results of NBI heated plasmas on ASDEX Upgrade using the Collective Thomson Scattering (CTS) diagnostic. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Müller, H. W.; Fuchs, J. C.; Herrmann, A.; Kirk, A.; Rohde, V.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: SOL and divertor investigations in nitrogen seeded discharges. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
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