WP TE Task Force Meeting

WP TE Task Force Meeting - EPS Rehearsals

  • Datum: 16.06.2021
  • Uhrzeit: 09:30
  • Vortragende: Several speakers
  • Raum: Zoom Meeting

09:30: C. Theiler: Heat exhaust capabilities of the recently upgraded TCV divertor (Oral)

09:50: A. Kappatou: Energy confinement degradation of deuterium plasmas with helium seeding (Invited)

10:30: L. Sanchis: Parametric dependence of beam-ion transport induced by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on q95 and perturbation spectrum in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak (Oral)

10:50: K. Verhaegh: Spectroscopic investigations of detachment on the TCV tokamak (EPS PhD Award)

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