Optomechanics with quantum vacuum fluctuations
- Datum: 18.11.2022
- Uhrzeit: 15:00 - 16:30
- Vortragende: Dr. Zhujing Xu
- Zhujing Xu received her B.S. in Physics from University of Science and Technology of China in 2016. After that, she joined Prof. Tongcang Li’s group at Purdue University and received her Ph.D. in Physics in 2022. During her Ph.D., she has worked on optomechanics and solid-state spins, both in experiment and theory. Her thesis work focused on building Casimir devices and realizing quantum vacuum mediated energy transfer between mechanical oscillators. Currently, she is a postdoctoral fellow working in Prof. Marko Loncar’s group at Harvard University. She is interested in spin-phonon interactions in diamond resonators and optomechanical crystals.
- Ort: Zoom Meeting Room 1
- Raum: Zoom Meeting
- Gastgeber: Dmitry Moseev
- Kontakt: dmitry.moseev@ipp.mpg.de

Random quantum vacuum fluctuations exist everywhere leading to the Casimir interaction between macroscopic bodies. The Casimir effect can dominate the interaction between microstructures at small separations, and hence a device that can leverage the Casimir force is in demand. In this talk, I will present the first Casimir diode and Casimir transistor system. For the Casimir diode system, we realize the first experimental demonstration of quantum vacuum mediated non-reciprocal energy transfer between two micromechanical oscillations. For the Casimir transistor system, we observe the three-body Casimir effects experimentally for the first time and demonstrate switching and amplifying quantum-fluctuation-mediated energy transfer in a three-terminal Casimir system. These two works represent an important development in optomechanics with virtual photons and will have potential applications in sensing and information processing.