The physics basis for a Q≈1 high-field, compact, axisymmetric mirror*
- Datum: 22.05.2023
- Uhrzeit: 10:30 - 12:00
- Vortragender: Prof. Dr. Cary Forest, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Cary Forest is professor at the Department of Physics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and director of the Wisconsin Plasma Physics Laboratory. He is also co-founder, CSO and acting CTO of Realta Fusion Incorporation.
- Ort: IPP Garching
- Raum: Arnulf-Schlüter Lecture Hall in Building D2 and Zoom
- Gastgeber: IPP
- Kontakt:

A public-private team has been formed to pursue the axisymmetric mirror
path to fusion: ARPA-E has funded the construction of an high
temperature superconducting prototype called the Wisconsin HTS
Axisymmetric Mirror (WHAM), that involves the UW Madison, a new startup
company Realta Fusion, MIT and CFS. The 3 step development path begins
with a small mirror, WHAM1.0, to establish MHD stable plasmas relying on
vortex and FLR stabilization by fast ions of a high mirror ratio simple
mirror, a reactor scale simple mirror WHAM++ that uses 100+ keV neutral
beam injection to validate the confinement, macro and microstability in
a simple mirror, and finally a tandem mirror that uses two WHAM++
configurations with ≈1MeV, RF heated ions for the end plugs of a HTS
Axisymmetric Magnetic Mirror Reactor (Hammir). This talk will review the
physics basis for WHAM++ and address the TRLs for magnets, heating
sytems, MHD techniques, and microstability for mirror distribution
functions. I will rely on bounce averaged drift kinetic/Fokker-Plank
solutions for mirror confined fast ions that show Q>1 is acheivable
in a simple mirror with mirror ratio > 10. Direct energy recovery
greatly improves prospects even for electrical breakeven. MHD stability
will come from FLR stabilization for m>1, and plasma shaping,
divertors, vortex and feedback stabilization at high β for m=1.
Microinstabilty will rely upon sloshing ions and high mirror ratio. A
direct energy convertor appropriate for the axisymmetric exhaust of the
mirror should be capable of recovering more than 50% of the lost energy
thereby increasing the the gain even further. Breakeven is possible even
for small energy input (several MWs). Applications of WHAM++ include
use as a blanket test facility, a minor actinide burner and as a source
of efficient process heat. Power production for an industrial scale will
be with Hammir. *This work has been supported by ARPA-E, the Wisconsin
Alumni Research Foundation and CFS.