WP TE Task Force Meeting
WP TE Task Force Meeting - AAPPS-DDP rehearsal
- Datum: 28.10.2024
- Uhrzeit: 10:00 - 12:00
- Vortragende: Several speakers
- Raum: Zoom Meeting
10:00: T. Tala: "Isotope and Species Scaling in JET Deuterium, Tritium and Helium Plasmas "
10:25: G. Pucella: "High-beta NTM in JET experiments in preparation of JT-60SA operations"
10:50: A. Hakola: "Modelling marker erosion at the divertor region of the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak using the ERO2.0 code"
11:15: F. Auriemma: "Modelling of the current density profiles in the high ? JET plasmas guided by MHD markers and kinetic data"
11:40: N. Vianello: "The EUROfusion Tokamak Exploitation Program in support of ITER and DEMO"