WP TE Task Force Meeting

WP TE Task Force Meeting

  • Datum: 10.03.2025
  • Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 16:00
  • Vortragende: Several speakers
  • Raum: Zoom Meeting

14:00: D. Keeling: Task Force News

14:10: R. Kamendje: Status of HPC and Gateway

14:40: H. Sun: Impact of QCE boundary plasma on machine operation and JET risk mitigation strategies (paper review)

15:10: Leonard-Petru Turica: Reconstructions of electron-temperature profiles from EUROfusion Pedestal Database using turbulence models and machine learning (paper review)

15:40: P. Bonofiglo: Integrated Modeling of MHD Induced Alpha Particle Losses in JET DT Plasmas (IAEA tech. meeting rehearsal)

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