Impact of trapping on tritium self-sufficiency and tritium inventories in fusion power plant fuel cycles

Wall Forum

  • Datum: 12.03.2025
  • Uhrzeit: 15:30 - 16:30
  • Vortragender: Samuele Meschini
  • Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Research Affiliate at MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center (USA)
  • Ort: Zoom room 1
  • Gastgeber: IPP
The dynamic analysis of fusion power plant (FPP) fuel cycles highlights the challenge of achieving tritium self-sufficiency in future FPPs. While state-of-the-art fuel cycle models offer valuable insights into the necessary design parameters for attaining tritium self-sufficiency, none of these models currently consider the impact of tritium trapping within fuel cycle components. However, detailed analysis of individual components reveals that substantial amounts of tritium can be trapped within the first wall, divertors, and breeding blanket systems, suggesting that tritium trapping may significantly influence the FPP ability to achieve self-sufficiency. The compounded effects of additional tritium traps generated by irradiation effects and component replacements further exacerbate this challenge. The novelty of this work is the integration of an explicit, physics-based model for tritium trapping, evolution of damage-induced traps, and component replacements into a dynamic, system-level model of a fuel cycle. The results show an increase of a factor of 103-104 tritium inventory in the first wall and vacuum vessel of an ARC-class FPP when accounting for the aforementioned phenomena. This, coupled with the replacement of components subject to significant tritium trapping, slows down fuel cycle dynamics, resulting in an extended tritium doubling time (50% increase), higher start-up inventory (30% increase), and higher required tritium breeding ratio (2%–5%) compared to a scenario without tritium trapping.
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