DPG Rehearsals / 1 talk and 7 posters

AUG Seminar

  • Only one talk today, posters start around 13:00
  • Datum: 17.03.2025
  • Uhrzeit: 12:20 - 14:30
  • Ort: L6 II
  • Raum: Seminarraum L6, 2.Stock Süd

Talks starting at 12:20 (after the lunch meeting):
A. Bock - Flux Pumping for High Performance Tokamak Scenarios

7 Posters after the talk - start about 13:00
F. Albrecht - First measurements of divertor conditions in the new ASDEX Upgrade upper divertor
L. Hollendonner - Calibration and Operation of the Imaging Motional Stark Effect Diagnostic at ASDEX Upgrade
S. Hörmann - Plasma dynamics analysis with the fast helium beam at W7-X
F. Leindecker - Investigation of benign edge scenarios with the tokamak design suite DYT
Y. Liang - Simulations of the X-point Radiator in ASDEX Upgrade with Kinetic Neutrals and Impurities in JOREK
H. Lindl - Density and Temperature Profiles from Upper Divertor Spectroscopy
A. Mancini - Implementation and exploitation of new bolometer electronics at ASDEX Upgrade

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