Institutskolloquium des IPP 2021

Vortragender: Dr. Philip Schneider Ort: IPP Garching

How isotope physics and core-edge coupling impacts tokamak confinement

  • Datum: 19.07.2024
  • Uhrzeit: 10:30 - 12:00
  • Vortragender: Dr. Philip Schneider
  • Philip Schneider studied physics at the LMU in Munich and became interested in plasma physics already during his studies. Both his diploma thesis and his PhD thesis focused on heat transport studies in ASDEX Upgrade. After receiving his PhD from LMU, he joined IPP as a postdoc and later as a tenured staff scientist. His research work started with heat transport studies in the plasma centre, then moved to the properties of the pedestal and its width in AUG, DIII-D and JET. After a detour to build a neutral particle analyser for fast ions, he finally returned to the plasma centre - without losing sight of the pedestal. Philip supports the AUG team as an experiment leader, diagnostician and radiation protection officer, and since 2018 he has been driving the planning and execution of the JET research task to study the influence of isotopes on transport and confinement during the JET DTE2 and DTE3 tritium campaigns.
  • Ort: IPP Garching
  • Raum: Arnulf-Schlüter Lecture Hall in Building D2 and Zoom
  • Gastgeber: IPP
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