Institutskolloquium des IPP 2021

Vortragender: Dr. Tilmann Lunt Raum: Arnulf-Schlüter Lecture Hall in Building D2 and Zoom

Alternative Divertor Configurations in the New Upper Divertor of ASDEX Upgrade

  • Datum: 14.07.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 10:30 - 12:00
  • Vortragender: Dr. Tilmann Lunt
  • Tilmann Lunt is a research scientist in the Plasma Edge and Wall Department (E2M) at IPP Garching. His scientific interests include alternative divertor configurations and the physics of the plasma edge, in particular the effects of 3D magnetic field perturbations. He is also responsible for the visual and near-infrared camera systems of the ASDEX Upgrade experiment.
  • Ort: IPP Garching
  • Raum: Arnulf-Schlüter Lecture Hall in Building D2 and Zoom
  • Gastgeber: IPP
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