Niek Lopes Cardozo is professor of Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion at Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, where he initiated the dedicated, interdisciplinary MSc programme on nuclear fusion. Before focusing on the education and training of the ‘ITER generation’, he directed the Dutch fusion research programme and served on many European
scientific and managerial fusion committees. He received the Royal Shell prize for sustainable development and energy for his scientific work in nuclear fusion as well as his efforts in outreach.
In parallel to his work as a researcher and educator he has been active in science policy. In
the period 2017-2020 he was member of the Executive Board of NWO, the Dutch National
Research Council, chairing the Science Domain. In the preceding 7 years he chaired the Dutch
Organisation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM).
Climate change and the energy transition have been long time interests (and concerns). In recent
years his research has focused on the socio- and techno-economics of the energy transition, and
the potential role of fusion energy therein.
Bianca is a leader of the Research Group in Psychophysiology and Performance in Sports and Combat (PPSC) at the Fedetal University of Rio de Janiero (BR), with over 200 published articles, and also serves as the coordinator of the PPSC-UFRJ laboratory. Her research primarily focuses on biofeedback in technical-tactical performance analysis and psychophysiology in sports. She has established partnerships with various international universities to expand her research and collaboration.
Bianca holds multiple academic degrees, including a Ph.D. and a Master’s degree in Biodynamics from the University of São Paulo. She also has degrees in Sports Science and Psychology, along with a specialization in Sports Training from the State University of Londrina. Additionally, she completed her post-doctorate at the Federal University of Pelotas.
Bianca is a former international athlete, having competed on the Brazilian National Rowing Team and the Brazilian National Judo Team, earning international titles in both disciplines.
In the field of physical and technical-tactical behavior feedback, Bianca has provided consulting services to high-level athletes, including Olympic medalists and UFC champions. Her expertise in these areas has contributed significantly to the success of elite athletes.