PSI Rehearsals: Orals with JET contribution

Edge Physics Forum

  • Datum: 23.05.2016
  • Uhrzeit: 14:30 - 17:30
  • Vortragende(r): many
  • Ort: Garching
  • Raum: Seminarraum L5
  • Gastgeber: IPP

14:30 S. Wiesen (R) "Plasma-edge and plasma-wall interaction modelling: lessons learned from metallic devices"

15:20 G. Matthews (O) "Energy Balance in JET"

15:50 A. Chankin (O) "Possible influence of near SOL plasma on the H-mode power threshold"

16:20 C. Guillemaut (O) "Evidence for enhanced main chamber wall plasma loads in JET ITER-like Wall at high radiated fraction"

16:50 S. Jachmich (O) "Disruption mitigation experiments at JET in support of ITER"

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