Publikationen von V. Barabash
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Zeitschriftenartikel (5)
329-333, S. 66 - 73 (2004)
Materials for the plasma-facing components of fusion reactors. Journal of Nuclear Materials 2.
43, S. 268 - 273 (2003)
Design Improvements and R&D Achievements for Vacuum Vessel and in-Vessel Components Towards ITER Construction. Nuclear Fusion 3.
307, S. 43 - 52 (2002)
Plasma facing and high heat flux materials - needs for ITER and beyond. Journal of Nuclear Materials 4.
241-243, S. 716 - 721 (1997)
Performance of the Ti Doped Graphite RG-Ti-91 at the Divertor of the Tokamak ASDEX-Upgrade. Journal of Nuclear Materials 5.
37, S. 261 - 286 (1997)
Beryllium Application in ITER Plasma Facing Components. Fusion Engineering and Design Konferenzbeitrag (22)
329-333, S. 156 - 160 (2004)
Role and contribution of ITER in research of materials and reactor components. 11. International Workshop on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-11), Kyoto (JP), 07. Dezember 2003 - 12. Dezember 2003. Journal of Nuclear Materials 7.
329-333, S. 860 - 864 (2004)
Modified formula for the assessment of the thermal response of neutron irradiated CFC. 11. International Workshop on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-11), Kyoto (JP), 07. Dezember 2003 - 12. Dezember 2003. Journal of Nuclear Materials 8.
329-333, S. 31 - 38 (2004)
ITER nuclear components preparing for the construction and R&D results. 11. International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-11), Kyoto (JP), 07. Dezember 2003 - 12. Dezember 2003. Journal of Nuclear Materials 9.
329-333, S. 173 - 177 (2004)
Overview of recent european materials R&D activities related to ITER. 11. International Workshop on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-11), Kyoto (JP), 07. Dezember 2003 - 12. Dezember 2003. Journal of Nuclear Materials 10.
313-316, S. 42 - 51 (2003)
Material/Plasma Surface Interaction Issues Following Neutron Damage. PSI-15, Gifu (JP), 26. Mai 2002 - 31. Mai 2002. Journal of Nuclear Materials 11.
Design Improvements and R&D Achievements for Vacuum Vessel and in-Vessel Components Towards ITER Construction. In: 19th Conference on Fusion Energy, S. CT - 4. 19th Conference on Fusion Energy, Lyon (FR), 14. Oktober 2002 - 19. Oktober 2002. (2003)
307-311, S. 1300 - 1304 (2002)
The Effect of Low Temperature Neutron Irradiation and Annealing on the Thermal Conductivity of Advanced Carbon-Based Materials. 10. International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-10), Baden-Baden (DE), 14. Oktober 2001 - 19. Oktober 2001. 10. International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-10) 13.
307-311, S. 1524 - 1532 (2002)
Overview on Fabrication and Joining of Plasma Facing and High Heat Flux Materials for ITER. 10. International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-10), Baden-Baden (DE), 14. Oktober 2001 - 19. Oktober 2001. 10. International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-10) 14.
58-59, S. 573 - 578 (2001)
Design and Fabrication Methods of FW/ Blanket and Vessel for ITER-FEAT. Proceedings of the 21. Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT-21), Madrid (ES), 11. September 2000 - 15. September 2000. Proceedings of the 21. Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT-21) 15.
T81, S. 74 - 83 (1999)
Armour Materials for the ITER Plasma Facing Components. 8. International Workshop on Carbon Materials, Juelich (DE), 03. September 1998 - 04. September 1998. 8. International Workshop on Carbon Materials 16.
The Divertor for the Reduced Technical Objective/Reduced Cost ITER. SOFE '99, Albuquerque, NM(US), 25. Oktober 1999 - 29. Oktober 1999. 18. IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, S. 103 - 108 (1999)
46, s. 2-4, S. 207 - 220 (1999)
ITER Divertor, Design Issues and Research and Development. Proceedings of the 20. Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT-20), Marseilles (FR), 07. September 1998 - 11. September 1998. Proceedings of the 20. Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT-20) 18.
Vol. 3, S. 1053 - 1056 (1999)
The ITER Divertor Cassette Project. 17. Conference Proceedings, Yokohama (JP), 18. Oktober 1998 - 24. Oktober 1998. Fusion Energy 1998 19.
Vol. 1, S. 215 - 218 (1998)
Joining Technologies for the Plasma Facing Components of ITER. 20. SOFT, Marseille (FR), 07. November 1998 - 11. November 1998. Fusion Technology 1998 20.
Part A ; s. 258-263, S. 149 - 159 (1998)
Carbon Fiber Composites Application in ITER Plasma Facing Components. 8. International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Sendai (JP), 26. Oktober 1997 - 31. Oktober 1997. Fusion Reactor Materials