Publikationen von D. Wünderlich
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (138)
88 (12), S. 3132 - 3140 (2013)
Commissioning and first results of the ITER-relevant negative ion beam test facility ELISE. Fusion Engineering and Design 102.
88 (6-8), S. 1015 - 1019 (2013)
Magnetic filter field for ELISE - Concepts and design. Fusion Engineering and Design 103.
84, 113502 (11pp) (2013)
Multi-view fast-ion D-alpha spectroscopy diagnostic at ASDEX Upgrade. Review of Scientific Instruments 104.
88 (6-8), S. 512 - 516 (2013)
Negative ion test facility ELISE - Status and first results. Fusion Engineering and Design 105.
88 (6-8), S. 913 - 917 (2013)
Beam diagnostic tools for the negative hydrogen ion source test facility ELISE. Fusion Engineering and Design 106.
438, Supplement, S. S1249 - S1252 (2013)
Spectroscopic characterisation of the PSI-2 plasma in the ionising and recombining state. Journal of Nuclear Materials 107.
63 (1T), S. 201 - 204 (2013)
Using the Radiation of Hydrogen Atoms and Molecules to Determine Electron Density and Temperature in the Linear Plasma Device PSI-2. Transactions of Fusion Science and Technology 108.
84, 093102 (8pp) (2013)
Optical emission spectroscopy at the large RF driven negative ion test facility ELISE: Instrumental setup and first results. Review of Scientific Instruments 109.
398, S. 7 - 16 (2012)
Development of negative hydrogen ion sources for fusion: Experiments and modelling. Chemical Physics 110.
83, 02B104 (5pp) (2012)
The development of the radio frequency driven negative ion source for neutral beam injectors. Review of Scientific Instruments 111.
83, 02A729 (3pp) (2012)
Optical emission spectroscopy of the Linac4 and superconducting proton Linac plasma generators. Review of Scientific Instruments 112.
54, 125002 (9pp) (2012)
On the proton flux towards the plasma grid in a RF-driven negative hydrogen ion source for ITER NBI. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 113.
51, 073035 (13pp) (2011)
Performance of multi-aperture grid extraction systems for an ITER-relevant RF-driven negative hydrogen ion source. Nuclear Fusion 114.
53, 115006 (14pp) (2011)
Magnetic Filter Field Dependence of the Performance of the RF Driven IPP Prototype Source for Negative Hydrogen Ions. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 115.
53, 105014 (18pp) (2011)
Dynamics of the transport of ionic and atomic cesium in radio frequency-driven ion sources for ITER neutral beam injection. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 116.
20, 045005 (14pp) (2011)
Neutral depletion in an H- source operated at high RF power and low input gas flow. Plasma Sources Science and Technology 117.
415 (1), S. S1033 - S1036 (2011)
Isotope exchange experiments on TEXTOR and TORE SUPRA using Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning and Glow Discharge Conditioning. Journal of Nuclear Materials 118.
53 (Pt. 1), 125003 (20pp) (2011)
0D model of magnetized hydrogen–helium wall conditioning plasmas. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 119.
390 (1), S. 75 - 82 (2011)
Vibrationally resolved ionization cross sections for the ground state and electronically excited states of the hydrogen molecule. Chemical Physics 120.
97 (2), S. 152 - 185 (2011)
Franck-Condon factors for molecule-ion reactions of H2 and its isotopomers. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables