Publikationen von V. Bobkov

Vortrag (115)

Bilato, R.; Bobkov, V.; Di Siena, A.; Galdon-Quiroga, J.; Kazakov, Y. O.; Ochoukov, R.; Tierens, W.; Usoltceva, M.; Weiland, M.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society et al.; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Impact of ICRF fast-ions on core turbulence and MHD activity in ASDEX Upgrade. 24th Topical Conference on Radiofrequency Power in Plasmas (RFPPC (TCRFPP) 2022), Annapolis, MD (eingereicht)
Jacquet, P.; Lerche, E.; Mantsinen, M.; Van Eester, D.; Kirov, K.; Mantica, P.; Monakhov, I.; Noble, C.; Dumortier, P.; Challis, C. et al.; Hobirk, J.; Kappatou, A.; Maslov, M.; King, D.; Keeling, D.; Challis, C.; Rimini, F.; Frigione, D.; Garzotti, L.; Lomas, P.; Lowry, C.; Carvalho, I.; Baruzzo, M.; Reux, C.; Lenholm, M.; Henriques, R.; De la Luna, E.; Mailloux, J.; Maggi, C.; Garcia, J.; Kazakov, Y.; Chomiczewska, A.; Gromelski, W.; Bobkov, V.; Colas, L.; Wouters, T.; Otin, R.; Klepper, C.; Delabie, E.; Dumont, R.; Eriksson, J.; Gallard, D.; Kiptily, V.; Menmuir, S.; Nocente, M.; Patel, A.; Pucella, G.; Rigamonti, D.; Shaw, A.; Silburn, S.; Siren, P.; Solano, E.; Stancar, Z.; Tardocchi, M.; Valisa, M.; JET Contributors: ICRH Operations and Experiments during the JET-ILW tritium and DTE2 campaign. 24th Topical Conference on Radiofrequency Power in Plasmas (RFPPC (TCRFPP) 2022), Annapolis, MD (eingereicht)
Moseev, D.; Kasahara, H.; Tamura, N.; Tanaka, K.; Igami, H.; Funaba, H.; Seki, T.; Yamada, I.; Yoshinuma, M.; Ida, K. et al.; Kinoshita, T.; Sakai, H.; Smith, H. M.; Laqua, H. P.; Ochoukov, R.; Bobkov, V.; Lazerson, S. A.; Reimold, F.; Hartmann, D.; Alers, B.; Xanthopoulos, P.; Kazakov, Y. O.; Salewski, M.: Accelerated impurity exhaust by means of ICRF heating at LHD. 23rd International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop (ISHW 2022), Warsaw (eingereicht)
Suarez Lopez, G.; Bilato, R.; Bobkov, V.; Di Siena, A.; Durodie, F.; Fable, E.; Faugel, H.; Maquet, V.; Messiaen, A.; Milanesio, D. et al.; Ochoukov, R.; Siccinio, M.; Tardini, G.; Tierens, W.; Usoltceva, M.; Wu, C.; Zohm, H.: The performance of EU-DEMO under different wave heating mixes: A look into the physics and technology of ECRH and ICRH scenarios. 24th Topical Conference on Radiofrequency Power in Plasmas (RFPPC (TCRFPP) 2022), Annapolis, MD (eingereicht)
Tierens, W.; Bilato, R.; Bertelli, N.; Shiraiwa, S.; Myra, J.; Colas, L.; Bobkov, V.: Filaments as the origin of HHFW losses in NSTX. 24th Topical Conference on Radiofrequency Power in Plasmas (RFPPC (TCRFPP) 2022), Annapolis, MD (eingereicht)
Usoltceva, M.; Heuraux, S.; Bobkov, V.; Faugel, H.; Fünfgelder, H.; Grenfell, G.; Herrmann, A.; Khabibullin, I.; Tal, B.; Zeus, F. et al.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: New technique for measuring low densities at the tokamak edge – concept, application on ASDEX Upgrade and prospects. 24th Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics (HTPD 2022), Rochester, NY (eingereicht)
Usoltceva, M.; Heuraux, S.; Bobkov, V.; Faugel, H.; Fünfgelder, H.; Grenfell, G.; Herrmann, A.; Khabibullin, I.; Tal, B.; Zeus, F. et al.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: New microwave diagnostic to probe density at the edge of fusion plasmas based on intensity refractometry. 15th International Reflectometry Workshop for Fusion Plasma Diagnostics (IRW15), St. Paul-lez-Durance (eingereicht)
Di Siena, A.; Bilato, R.; Görler, T.; Banon Navarro, A.; Poli, E.; Bobkov, V.; Jarema, D.; Fable, E.; Angioni, C.; Kazakov, Y. et al.; Ochoukov, R.; Schneider, P.; Weiland, M.; Jenko, F.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Fast ion-induced anomalous transport barriers in global gyrokinetic simulations. 19th European Fusion Theory Conference (EFTC 2021), Virtual (eingereicht)
Di Siena, A.; Bilato, R.; Görler, T.; Banon Navarro, A.; Poli, E.; Bobkov, V.; Jarema, D.; Fable, E.; Angioni, C.; Kazakov, Y. et al.; Ochoukov, R.; Schneider, P. A.; Weiland, M.; Rodriguez-Fernandez, P.; Howard, N. T.; Wright, J. C.; Greenwald, M. J.; Jenko, F.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Fast ion-induced transport barriers in global gyrokinetic simulations. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Pittsburgh, PA (eingereicht)
Di Siena, A.; Görler, T.; Poli, E.; Bilato, R.; Banon Navarro, A.; Biancalani, A.; Bonanomi, N.; Zocco, A.; Citrin, J.; Schneider, M. et al.; Johnson, T.; Doerk, H.; Jarema, D.; Novikau, I.; Vannini, F.; Bobkov, V.; Fable, E.; Angioni, C.; Kazakov, Y.; Ochoukov, R.; Schneider, P.; Weiland, M.; DeOliveira-Lopez, N.; Mantsinen, M. J.; Jenko, F.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Turbulence Suppression via Energetic Particles. 2021 MPPC Annual Meeting (Max-Planck Princeton Center), Virtual (2021)
Galdon-Quiroga, J.; Manyer, J.; Bilato, R.; Weiland, M.; Simmendefeldt-Schmidt, B.; Bobkov, V.; Dreval, M.; Garcia-Munoz, M.; Hidalgo-Salaverri, J.; Karpushov, A. et al.; Kappatou, A.; Kazakov, Y.; Lauber, P.; Mantsinen, M.; Ochoukov, R.; Rueda-Rueda, J.; Salewski, M.; Schneider, P.; Sharapov, S.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; WPTE RT10 Team: Mitigation of AE induced ICRF fast-ion losses using deuterium NBI in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. 17th Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles and Theory of Plasma Instabilities in Magnetic Confinement Fusion, Virtual (eingereicht)
Paulus, F.; Bobkov, V.; Faugel, H.; Fünfgelder, H.; Girka, O.; Ochoukov, R.; Zohm, H.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Studies of propagating ICRF slow waves. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Fachverbände Physik der Hadronen und Kerne, Plasmaphysik und des Arbeitskreises Beschleunigerphysik , Mainz, Virtual (eingereicht)
Usoltceva, M.; Heuraux, S.; Faugel, H.; Fünfgelder, H.; Bobkov, V.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Modelling of ELMs in the far Scrape-Off Layer density profile and comparison to experimental data of Microwave Interferometer in the Limiter Shadow. 18th International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices (PET18), Virtual (eingereicht)
Di Siena, A.; Bilato, R.; Görler, T.; Banon Navarro, A.; Poli, E.; Jarema, D.; Fable, E.; Angioni, C.; Bobkov, V.; Ochoukov, R. et al.; Schneider, P. A.; Jenko, F.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Turbulence Suppression due to Energetic Particles: From First Principles to Gyrokinetic Simulations and Experimental Observations. 28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2020), Virtual (eingereicht)
Kazakov, Y. O.; Bobkov, V.; Garcia, J.; Garcia-Munoz, M.; Kiptily, V.; Mantsinen, M. J.; Nocente, M.; Ongena, J.; Pinches, S. D.; Salewski, M. et al.; Schneider, M.; Schneider, P.; Stancar, Ž.; Weisen, H.; Baranov, Y.; Baruzzo, M.; Bierwage, A.; Bilato, R.; Coelho, R.; Craciunescu, T.; Dreval, M.; Dumont, R.; Eriksson, J.; Galdon-Quiroga, J.; Giacomelli, L.; Giroud, C.; Gonzalez-Martin, J.; Kappatou, A.; Kirov, K.; Lauber, P.; Lennholm, M.; Mazzi, S.; Nabais, F.; Nave, M. F. F.; Ochoukov, R.; Plank, U.; Rigamonti, D.; Sahlberg, A.; Sharapov, S. E.; Shinohara, K.; Sumida, S.; Varje, J.; Weiland, M.; JET Contributors; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Progress with 3-ion ICRF schemes on ASDEX Upgrade and JET in support of ITER operations. 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Virtual (eingereicht)
Mantsinen, M. J.; Manyer, J.; Bobkov, V.; Chomiczewska, A.; Galdon-Quiroga, J.; Gallart, D.; Garcia-Munoz, M.; Gonzalez-Martin, J.; Kazakov, Y. O.; Krawczyk, N. et al.; Nocente, M.; Ochoukov, R.; Schneider, P. A.; Tardini, G.; EUROfusion MST1 Team; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Experiments with acceleration of neutral beam ions using third harmonic ion cyclotron resonance heating on ASDEX Upgrade. 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Virtual (eingereicht)
Maraschek, M.; Gude, A.; Pau, A.; Sauter, O.; Sieglin, B.; Sozzi, C.; Vu, T.; Alessi, E.; Bernert, M.; Bobkov, V. et al.; Eich, T.; Fable, E.; Felici, F.; Galperti, C.; Kudlacek, O.; Ochoukov, R.; Pautasso, G.; Rispoli, N.; Stober, J.; Wischmeier, M.; Zohm, H.: Prevention of the H-mode density limit by various heating schemes through control of the plasma state space. (Virtual) Technical Meeting on Plasma Disruptions and their Mitigation (eingereicht)
Pütterich, T.; Sauter, O.; Bobkov, V.; Dunne, M. G.; Karpushov, A.; Labit, B.; Lang, P. T.; Mantsinen, M.; Maraschek, M.; Merle, A. et al.; McDermott, R. M.; Neubert, P.; Stober, J.; Suttrop, W.; Willensdorfer, M.; EUROfuison MST1 Team; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; TCV Team: The ITER Baseline Scenario at ASDEX Upgrade and TCV. 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Virtual (eingereicht)
Reisner, M.; Fable, E.; Stober, J.; Bock, A.; Fischer, R.; Bobkov, V.; Banon Navarro, A.; Di Siena, A.; McDermott, R.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Investigation of increased core ion temperatures in high-beta advanced scenarios in ASDEX Upgrade. 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Virtual (eingereicht)
Zhang, W.; Bilato, R.; Bobkov, V.; Cathey, A.; Di Siena, A.; Hoelzl, M.; Messiaen, A.; Myra, J. R.; Tierens, W.; Wright, J. C. et al.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Recent progress in integrated ICRF-edge plasma modeling. 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP 2020), Virtual (eingereicht)
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