Publikationen von M. Fröschle
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Zeitschriftenartikel (55)
123, S. 263 - 267 (2017)
Preparation of the ELISE test facility for long-pulse extraction of negative ion beams. Fusion Engineering and Design 22.
123, S. 381 - 384 (2017)
Characterization and performance improvement of the large titanium sublimation pumps in the AUG and W7‐X neutral beam injectors. Fusion Engineering and Design 23.
57, 086027 (2017)
The ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility towards SPIDER operation. Nuclear Fusion 24.
1869 (1), 030003 (2017)
Long pulse, high power operation of the ELISE test facility. AIP Conference Proceedings 25.
87, 02B309 (2016)
Final design of the beam source for the MITICA injector. Review of Scientific Instruments 26.
44 (9, Part 1), S. 1553 - 1558 (2016)
Optimization of Large Titanium Sublimation Pumps for the Neutral Beam Injection System on AUG and W7-X. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 27.
58, 125005 (2016)
Influence of the magnetic field topology on the performance of the large area negative hydrogen ion source test facility ELISE. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 28.
55, 053005 (2015)
Progress of the ELISE test facility: results of caesium operation with low RF power. Nuclear Fusion 29.
1655, 060001 (2015)
Status of the ELISE Test Facility. AIP Conference Proceedings 30.
1655, 060003 (2015)
Upgrade of the BATMAN Test Facility for H- Source Development. AIP Conference Proceedings 31.
1655, 060006 (2015)
Advanced Ion Beam Calorimetry for the Test Facility ELISE. AIP Conference Proceedings 32.
55, 083025 (2015)
Progress in the realization of the PRIMA neutral beam test facility. Nuclear Fusion 33.
42 (3), S. 616 - 623 (2014)
Toward a Large RF Ion Source for the ITER Neutral Beam Injector: Overview of the ELISE Test Facility and First Results. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 34.
88 (12), S. 3132 - 3140 (2013)
Commissioning and first results of the ITER-relevant negative ion beam test facility ELISE. Fusion Engineering and Design 35.
88 (6-8), S. 1015 - 1019 (2013)
Magnetic filter field for ELISE - Concepts and design. Fusion Engineering and Design 36.
88 (6-8), S. 512 - 516 (2013)
Negative ion test facility ELISE - Status and first results. Fusion Engineering and Design 37.
88 (6-8), S. 913 - 917 (2013)
Beam diagnostic tools for the negative hydrogen ion source test facility ELISE. Fusion Engineering and Design 38.
83, 123305 (5pp) (2012)
Controllable evaporation of cesium from a dispenser oven. Review of Scientific Instruments 39.
83, 02B104 (5pp) (2012)
The development of the radio frequency driven negative ion source for neutral beam injectors. Review of Scientific Instruments 40.
51, 073035 (13pp) (2011)
Performance of multi-aperture grid extraction systems for an ITER-relevant RF-driven negative hydrogen ion source. Nuclear Fusion