Publikationen von M. Reich

Poster (90)

Reich, M.; Behler, K.; Bock, A.; Giannone, L.; Lochbrunner, M.; Maraschek, M.; Poli, E.; Stober, J.; Treutterer, W.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: ECCD-based NTM control at ASDEX Upgrade. 39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics, Stockholm (2012)
Höhnle, H.; Stober, J.; Behler, K.; Herrmann, A.; Kallenbach, A.; Kasparek, W.; Reich, M.; Stroth, U.: Erweiterung des Anwendungsgebiets der Elektron Zyklotron Heizung an ASDEX Upgrade. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion AMOP, Stuttgart (2012)
Reich, M.; Barrera-Orte, L.; Behler, K.; Bock, A.; Giannone, L.; Maraschek, M.; Poli, E.; Rapson, C.; Stober, J.; Treutterer, W. et al.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: First results of closed loop feedback control of NTMs at ASDEX Upgrade. 39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics, Stockholm (2012)
Giannone, L.; Reich, M.; Treutterer, W.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, J. C.; Lackner, K.; Koslowski, H. R.; Maraschek, M.; McCarthy, P. J.; Mlynek, A. et al.; Stober, J.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Real time magnetic equilibria for NTM stabilisation experiments. 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg (2011)
Höhnle, H.; Stober, J.; Behler, K.; Herrmann, A.; Kasparek, W.; Neu, R.; Reich, M.; Stroth, U.; Treutterer, W.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating in the second harmonic ordinary Mode at ASDEX Upgrade. 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg (2011)
Igochine, V.; Fable, E.; Hobirk, J.; Reich, M.; Zohm, H.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Comparison of different sawtooth crash models for transport analysis. 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg (2011)
Reich, M.; Behler, K.; Giannone, L.; Maraschek, M.; Stober, J.; Treutterer, W.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Progress on ECCD-based NTM control at ASDEX Upgrade. 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg (2011)
Reimer, R.; Dinklage, A.; Geiger, B.; Hobirk, J.; Kus, A.; Löbhard, T.; McCarthy, P. J.; Mlynek, A.; Garcia-Munoz, M.; Reich, M. et al.; Wolf, R.; ASDEX Upgrade Team; Wendelstein 7-X Team: Assessment of Spectral Motional Stark Effect Measurements on ASDEX Upgrade. 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg (2011)
Kiptily, V. G.; Pinches, S. D.; Sharapov, S. E.; Howell, D.; Cecil, F. E.; Darrow, D.; Goloborod'ko, V.; Perez von Thun, C.; Plyusnin, V.; Smolyakov, A. I. et al.; Yavorskij, V.; Gatu Johnson, M.; Craciunescu, T.; Hellesen, C.; Johnson, T.; Liang, Y.; Koslowski, H. R.; Mailloux, J.; Nabais, F.; Reich, M.; De Vries, P.; Zpita, V. L.; JET-EFDA Contributors: Studies of MHD E ffects on Fast Ions: towards Burning Plasma with ITER-like Wall on JET. 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejon (2010)
Schweinzer, J.; Sips, A. C. C.; Kallenbach, A.; Gruber, O.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, J. C.; Hicks, N.; Hobirk, J.; Jenko, F.; Maggi, C. F. et al.; Maraschek, M.; McDermott, R.; Neu, R.; Pütterich, T.; Rathgeber, S. K.; Reich, M.; Ryter, F.; Schneller, M.; Stober, J.; Tardini, G.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Confinement of 'Improved H-modes' in the All-Tungsten ASDEX Upgrade. 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejon (2010)
Dinklage, A.; Fischer, R.; Kus, A.; Reich, M.; Reimer, R.; Wolf, R. C.; Konz, C.; Coster, D.; Coelho, R.: Simulation of MSE spectra from predictive fusion plasma simulations. ITM General Meeting, Lisbon (2010)
Igochine, V.; Chapman, I.; Bilato, R.; Bobkov, V.; Maraschek, M.; Moseev, D.; Reich, M.; Stober, J.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Destabilization of fast particle stabilized sawteeth in ASDEX Upgrade with ECCD. 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin (2010)
Reich, M.; Behler, K.; Giannone, L.; Mlynek, A.; Stober, J.; Treutterer, W.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: ECCD-based NTM control using the ASDEX Upgrade real-time system. 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin (2010)
Reimer, R.; Dinklage, A.; Geiger, J.; Hobirk, J.; Reich, M.; Wolf, R.: Assessment of measuring capabilities of motional Stark effect spectra: Experiments in ASDEX Upgrade and simulations for Wendelstein 7-X. 17th International Stellarator/Heliotron Workshop (ISHW 2009), Princeton, NJ (2009)
Reimer, R.; Hobirk, J.; Reich, M.; Dinklage, A.; Wolf, R.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Spectrally resolved Motional Stark-Effect Polarimetry at ASDEX Upgrade. 17th International Stellarator/Heliotron Workshop (ISHW 2009), Princeton, NJ (2009)
Reimer, R.; Hobirk, J.; Reich, M.; Dinklage, A.; Wolf, R. C.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Motional Stark-Effect Spectroscopy on ASDEX Ugrade and W7-X. 17th International Stellarator/Heliotron Workshop (ISHW 2009), Princeton, NJ (2009)
Perez von Thun, C.; Perona, A.; Johnson, T.; Sharapov, S.; Reich, M.; Kiptily, V.; Cecconello, M.; Pinches, S.; García-Munoz, M.; Brix, M. et al.; Voitsekhovitch, I.; JET EFDA Contributors: MeV range fast ion losses induced by fishbones on JET. 11th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems, Kyiv (2009)
Bonheure, G.; Perez von Thun, C.; Reich, M.; Pinches, S. D.; Jachmich, S.; Sharapov, S.; Kiptily, V.; Popovichev, S.; Murari, A.; Koslowski, R. et al.; JET EFDA Contributors: In-situ calibration method for alpha particle losses diagnostics at JET. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Reich, M.; Hobirk, J.; Stober, J.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Real-time current profile measurements for NTM control. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Zilker, M.; Behler, K.; Bluhm, T.; Heimann, P.; Hennig, C.; Kroiss, H.; Kühner, G.; Laqua, H.; Lewerentz, M.; Maier, J. et al.; Neu, G.; Raupp, G.; Reich, M.; Riemann, H.; Schacht, J.; Spring, A.; Werner, A.; Zehetbauer, T.: Development and implementation of real-time data acquisition systems for fusion devices with Open Source Software. 7th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition, and Remote Participation for Fusion Research, Aix-en-Provence (2009)
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