Publikationen von C. Maggi

Vortrag (60)

Herrmann, A.; Neuhauser, J.; Pautasso, G.; Bobkov, V.; Dux, R.; Eich, T.; Fuchs, C. J.; Gruber, O.; Maggi, C.; Müller, H. W. et al.: Wall and Divertor Load during ELMy H-mode and Disruptions in ASDEX Upgrade. 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura (2004)
Neu, R.; Dux, R.; Kallenbach, A.; Maggi, C. F.; Pütterich, T.; Balden, M.; Fuchs, J. C.; Eich, T.; Gruber, O.; Herrmann, A. et al.: Tungsten: An option for divertor and main chamber plasma facing components in future fusion devices. 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura (2004)
Staebler, A.; Sips, A. C. C.; Brambilla, M.; Bilato, R.; Dux, R.; Gruber, O.; Hobirk, J.; Horton, L. D.; Maggi, C. F.; Manini, A. et al.: The Improved H-Mode at ASDEX-Upgrade: a Candidate for an ITER Hybrid Scenario. 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura (2004)
Suttrop, W.; Kurki-Suonio, T.; Stäbler, A.; Conway, G. D.; Maraschek, M.; Maggi, C. F.; Meister, H.; Neu, R.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Stationary ELM-free H-mode in ASDEX Upgrade. DPG - Frühjahrstagung der Fachverbände Extraterrestrische Physik, Kurzzeitphysik und Plasmaphysik, Kiel (2004)
Manini, A.; Ryter, F.; Angioni, C.; Apostoliceanu, M.; Peeters, A. G.; Stober, J.; Tardini, G.; Leuterer, F.; Maggi, C. F.; Nishijima, D. et al.: Experimental study of electron heat transport in NBI heated low density H-mode plasmas in ASDEX Upgrade. Transport Task Force Workshop on Electron Transport, Milano (2004)
Manini, A.; Ryter, F.; Angioni, C.; Apostoliceanu, M.; Peeters, A. G.; Stober, J.; Tardini, G.; Leuterer, F.; Maggi, C. F.; Nishijima, D. et al.: Electron heat transport in low density H-mode plasmas in ASDEX Upgrade. Seminar, Lausanne (2004)
Neu, R.; Dux, R.; Kallenbach, A.; Maggi, C. F.; Pütterich, T.; Balden, M.; Eich, T.; Fuchs, J. C.; Gruber, O.; Herrmann, A. et al.: Tungsten: An option for divertor and main chamber plasma facing components in future fusion devices. 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal (2004)

Poster (52)

Bourdelle, C.; Beyer, P.; Chôné, L.; Citrin, J.; Dif-Pradalier, G.; Fedorczak, N.; Fuhr, G.; Garbet, X.; Loarte, A.; Maggi, C. F. et al.: L to H mode transition: Parametric dependencies of the temperature threshold. 19th Joint EU-US Transport Task Force Meeting (TTF 2014), Culham (2014)
Bourdelle, C.; Fedorczak, N.; Loarte, A.; Militello, F.; Maggi, C.; Dif-Pradalier, G.; Garbet, X.; Citrin, J.: L to H Mode Transition: Parametric Dependencies of the Temperature Threshold. 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2014), Saint Petersburg (2014)
Delabie, E.; Maggi, C.; Meyer, H.; Biewer, T. M.; Bourdelle, C.; Brix, M.; Carvalho, I. S.; Clever, M.; Drewelow, P.; Hawkes, N. et al.: Overview and Interpretation of L-H Threshold Experiments on JET with the ITER-like Wall. 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2014), Saint Petersburg (2014)
Groth, M.; Brezinsek, S.; Belo, P.; Calabro, G.; Corrigan, G.; Brix, M.; Clever, M.; Coenen, J. W.; Devaux, S.; Drewelow, P. et al.: Divertor plasma conditions and neutral dynamics in semi-horizontal and vertical divertor configurations in JET-ILW low confinement plasmas. 21st International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions 2014 (PSI 21), Kanazawa (2014)
Groth, M.; Clever, M.; Lawson, K.; Meigs, A.; Stamp, M.; Svensson, J.; Belo, P.; Brezinsek, S.; Brix, M.; Coenen, J.W. et al.: Steps in Validating Scrape-off Layer Simulations of Detached Plasmas in the JET ITER-like Wall Configuration. 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2014), Saint Petersburg (2014)
Hogeweij, G.; Leonov, V.; Schweinzer, J.; Sips, A.; Angioni, C.; Calabrò, G.; Dux, R.; Kallenbach, A.; Lerche, E.; Maggi, C. F. et al.: Impact of W on Scenario Simulations for ITER. 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2014), Saint Petersburg (eingereicht)
Lawson, K. D.; Groth, M.; Belo, P.; Brezinsek, S.; Czarnecka, A.; Drewelow, P.; Harting, D.; Ksiazek, I.; Maggi, C. F.; Meigs, A. G. et al.: Improved EDGE2D/EIRENE simulations of JET ITER-like wall L-mode discharges utilising poloidal VUV/visible spectral emission profiles. 21st International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions 2014 (PSI 21), Kanazawa (2014)
Maggi, C. F.; Meyer, H.; Bourdelle, C.; Delabie, E.; Carvalho, I. S.; Drewelow, P.; Rimini, F.; Siren, P.; JET EFDA Contributors: Role of low-Z impurities in L-H transitions in JET. 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin (eingereicht)
Mantica, P.; Angioni, C.; Valisa, M.; Baruzzo, M.; Silva Aresta Belo, P. C. d.; Casson, F. J.; Coffey, I.; Drewelow, P.; Giroud, C.; Hawkes, N. C. et al.: Understanding and Controlling Tungsten Accumulation in JET Plasmas with the ITER-like Wall. 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin (2014)
Meyer, H.; Delabie, E.; Hughes, J.; Martin, Y.; Maggi, C. F.; Rimini, F.; Ryter, F.; Silva, C.; Zoletnik, S.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society et al.: PEP-28 Effect of X-point height (divertor configuration) on L-H transitions. 27th Pedestal and Edge Physics Topical Group Meeting, St. Paul Lez Durance (eingereicht)
Meyer, H.; Maggi, C. F.; Delabie, E.; Bourdelle, C.; Carvalho, I.; Lang, P.; Rimini, F.: The role of divertor and SOL physics for access to H-mode on JET. 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin (2014)
Nakano, T.; Shumack, A. E.; Maggi, C. F.; Reinke, M.; Lawson, K. D.; Pütterich, T.; Brezinsek, S.; Lipschultz, B.; Matthews, G.; Chernyshova, M. et al.: Determination of tungsten and molybdenum concentrations from an X-ray range spectrum in JET. 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin (2014)
Salmi, A.; Tala, T.; Bourdelle, C.; Bufferand, H.; Mantica, P.; Meneses, L.; Mordjick, S.; Tamain, P.; Groth, M.; Hillesheim, J. et al.: Gas puff modulation experiments in JET L-and H-mode plasmas. 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin (2014)