Publikationen von B. D. Scott

Poster (55)

Manz, P.; Eich, T.; Freethy, S.; Hallatschek, K.; Happel, T.; Harrer, G.; Kendl, A.; Mink, F.; Scott, B. D.; Wolfrum, E.: Gyrofluid simulations of electromagnetic turbulence in the plasma edge. 23rd Joint EU-US Transport Task Force Meeting (TTF 2018), Seville (eingereicht)
Luk, O. O.; Hoenen, O.; Bottino, A.; Scott, B. D.; Coster, D. P.: ComPat Framework for Multiscale Simulations Applied to Fusion Plasmas. 25th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas (ICNSP 2017), Leuven (eingereicht)
Manz, P.; Birkenmeier, G.; Cavedon, M.; Fedorczak, N.; Garland, S.; Plank, U.; Ramisch, M.; Ribeiro, T. T.; Schmid, B.; Scott, B. D.: Magnetic configuration effects on the radial electric field and the Reynolds stress in the plasma edge. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast (eingereicht)
Palermo, F.; Poli, E.; Bottino, A.; Biancalani, A.; Angioni, C.; Zonca, F.; Conway, G. D.; Scott, B.: Damping and radial propagation of Geodesic Acoustic Modes. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast (eingereicht)
Biancalani, A.; Cole, M.; Bottino, A.; Könies, A.; Lauber, P.; Mishchenko, A.; Scott, B. D.; Zonca, F.: Gyrokinetic Investigation of the Nonlinear Interplay of Alfvén Instabilities and Energetic Particles in Tokamaks. 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2016), Kyoto (eingereicht)
Falchetto, G.; Airila, M. I.; Alberto Morillas, A.; Boulbe, C.; Coelho, R.; Coster, D.; Johnson, T.; Kalupin, D.; Nielsen, A. H.; Vlad, G. et al.; Andersson Sunden, E.; Aniel, T.; Artaud, J.-F.; Asunta, O.; Atanasiu, C. V.; Baelmans, M.; Basiuk, V.; Bilato, R.; Blommaert, M.; Bonnin, X.; Borodin, D.; Briguglio, S.; Buchanan, J.; Casson, F. J.; Ciraolo, G.; Citrin, J.; Conroy, S.; Doriæ, V.; Dumont, R.; Fable, E.; Faugeras, B.; Ferreira, J.; Figini, L.; Figueiredo, A.; Fogaccia, G.; Fuchs, C.; Ghoos, K.; Giovannozzi, E.; Gleason-Gonzalez, C.; Goloborod’ko, V.; Hoenen, O.; Horsten, N.; Huynh, P.; Imbeaux, F.; Ivanova-Stanik, I.; Kos, L.; Kotov, V.; Krek, J.; Lechte, C.; Lerche, E. A.; Lohner, R.; Madsen, J.; Maj, O.; Manduchi, G.; Mantsinen, M.; Marandet, Y.; Marushchenko, N.; Mastrostefano, S.; Mayo-Garcia, R.; McCarthy, P. J.; Merle, A.; Moradi, S.; Nardon, E.; Natorf, W.; Nowak, S.; O’Mullane, M.; Owsiak, M.; Pais, V.; Palak, B.; Pelka, G.; Pericoli-Ridolfini, V.; Plociennik, M.; Pokol, G. I.; Poli, E.; Poljak, D.; Radhakrishnan, H.; Reimerdes, H.; Reiser, D.; Rodrigues, P.; Saez, X.; Samaddar, D.; Sauter, O.; Schmid, K.; Schneider, M. B.; Scott, B. D.; Sesnic, S.; Signoret, J.; Sipilä, S. K.; Stankiewicz, R.; Suchkov, E.; Susnjara, A.; Szepesi, G.; Tegnered, D.; Tophoj, L.; Tökesi, K.; Tskhakaya, D.; Urban, J.; Vallejos, P.; Van Eester, D.; Varoutis, S.; Villard, L.; Villone, F.; Viola, B.; Westerhof, E.; Yadikin, D.; Zagorski, R.; Zaitsev, F.; Zok, T.; Zwingmann, W.; Äkäslompolo, S.: EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) Capabilities and Selected Physics Applications. 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2016), Kyoto (eingereicht)
Rakha, A.; Garland, S.; Ramisch, S.; Scott, B. D.: Blob dynamics simulations for the TJ-K plasma. DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2015 der Fachverbände Kurzzeitphysik und Plasmaphysik, Bochum (eingereicht)
Silva, F. d.; Ribeiro, T.; Heuraux, S.; Scott, B.: Synthetic reflectometry probing of gyrofuid edge turbulence. 16th European Fusion Theory Conference 2015 (EFTC 2015), Lisbon (eingereicht)
Biancalani, A.; Bottino, A.; Briguglio, S.; Conway, G. D.; Troia, C. D.; Kleiber, R.; Könies, A.; Lauber, P.; Mishchenko, A.; Scott, B. D. et al.; Simon, P.; Vlad, G.; Wang, X.; Zarzoso, D.; Zocco, A.; Zonca, F.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Global Gyrokinetic Modeling of Geodesic Acoustic Modes and Shear Alfvén Instabilities in ASDEX Upgrade. 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2014), Saint Petersburg (eingereicht)
Ribeiro, T.; Silva, F. d.; Heuraux, S.; Scott, B. D.: Synthetic reflectometry probing of gyrofuid edge turbulence. 17th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP 2014), Lisbon (eingereicht)
Scott, B.: Relaxation to neoclassical flow equilibrium in gyrofluid simulations. 56th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, New Orleans, LA (2014)
Shi, Y.; Wang, B.; Scott, B.; Tang, W.: Computational Diagnostics for Extreme Scale Toroidal Gyrokinetic Particle Simulations. 56th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, New Orleans, LA (2014)
Biancalani, A.; Bottino, A.; Lauber, P. W.; Scott, B. D.: Nonlinear global simulations of GAMs and Alfven instabilities in tokamaks with the gyrokinetic code NEMORB. 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Espoo (2013)
Bottino, A.; Angelino, P.; Wersal, C.; Scott, B.; McMillan, B. F.; Villard, L.: Fluid moments and spectral diagnostics in global gyrokinetic simulations. 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Espoo (2013)
Hoenen, O.; Fazendeiro, L.; Scott, B. D.; Borgdorff, J.; Hoekstra, A. G.; Strand, P.; Coster, D. P.: Designing and running turbulence transport simulations using a distributed multiscale approach. 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Espoo (2013)
Figueiredo, A. C. A.; Voitsekhovitch, I.; Ferreira, J.; Ivanova-Stanik, I.; Kalupin, D.; Belo, P.; Coster, D.; Koechl, F.; Sauter, O.; Scott, B. et al.; Strand, P.; ITM-TF Contributors; JET EFDA Contributors: Modelling of JET hybrid scenarios with the European Transport Solver. 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Espoo (2013)
Falchetto, G.; Coster, D.; Coelho, R.; Strand, P.; Eriksson, L. G.; Basiuk, V.; Farina, D.; Imbeaux, F.; Jonsson, T.; Konz, C. et al.; Litaudon, X.; Manduchi, G.; Nielsen, A. H.; Ottaviani, M.; Paccagnella, R.; Pereverzev, G.; Scott, B.; Tskhakaya, D.; Vlad, G.; Voitsekhovitch, I.; Guillerminet, B.; Kalupin, D.; Giovanozzi, E.; Klingshirn, H. J.; Yadikin, D.; Zwingmann, W.: The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling E ffort: Achievements and First Physics Results. 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, San Diego, CA (2012)
Kalupin, D.; Basiuk, V.; Coster, D.; Huynh, P.; Alves, L.; Aniel, T.; Artaud, J. F.; Bizarro, J.; Coelho, R.; Farina, D. et al.; Ferreira, J.; Figueiredo, A.; Figini, L.; Gal, K.; Garzotti, L.; Imbeaux, F.; Ivanova-Stanik, I.; Jonsson, T.; Konz, C.; Nowak, S.; Pereverzev, G.; Sauter, O.; Scott, B.; Schneider, M.; Stankiewicz, R.; Strand, P.; Voitsekhovitch, I.: The European Transport Solver: an Integrated Approach for Transport Simulations in the Plasma Core. 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, San Diego, CA (2012)
Kocan, M.; Müller, H. W.; Nold, B.; Lunt, T.; Adamek, J.; Conway, G. D.; Marne, P. d.; Eich, T.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, J. C. et al.; Gennrich, F. P.; Herrmann, A.; Horacek, J.; Huang, Z.; Ionita, C.; Kallenbach, A.; Komm, M.; Maraschek, M.; Mehlmann, F.; Müller, S.; Ribeiro, T. T.; Rohde, V.; Schrittwieser, R.; Scott, B.; Stroth, U.; Suttrop, W.; Wolfrum, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Far-reaching Impact of Intermittent Transport across the Scrape-off Layer: Latest Results from ASDEX Upgrade. 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, San Diego, CA (2012)
Wersal, C.; Bottino, A.; Angelino, P.; Scott, B. D.: Fluid moments and spectral diagnostics in global particle-in-cell simulations. Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasmas, Varenna (2012)
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