Publikationen von A. von Müller

Zeitschriftenartikel (37)

Zhang, K.; Müller, A. v.; Greuner, H.; You, J.-H.: Stress analysis of divertor plasma-facing component designs using tungsten particle-reinforced copper composite heat sink. Fusion Engineering and Design 154, 111510 (2020)
Coenen, J. W.; Mao, Y.; Sistla, S.; Müller, A. v.; Pintsuk, G.; Wirtz, M.; Riesch, J.; Höschen, T.; Terra, A.; You, J.-H. et al.; Greuner, H.; Kreter, A.; Broeckmann, C.; Neu, R.; Linsmeier, C.: Materials development for new high heat-flux component mock-ups for DEMO. Fusion Engineering and Design 146, Pt. B, S. 1431 - 1436 (2019)
Curzadd, B.; Müller, A. v.; Neu, R.; Toussaint, U. v.: Topology optimization of tungsten/copper structures for plasma-facing component applications. Nuclear Fusion 59, 086003 (2019)
Greuner, H.; Böswirth, B.; Barrett, T. R.; Crescenzic, F.; Gallayd, F.; Hunger, K.; Richou, M.; Visca, E.; Müller, A. v.; You, J. H.: Progress in high heat flux testing of European DEMO divertor mock-ups. Fusion Engineering and Design 146, Pt. A, S. 216 - 219 (2019)
Müller, A. v.; Schlick, G.; Neu, R.; Anstätt, C.; Klimkait, T.; Lee, J.; Pascher, B.; Schmitt, M.; Seidel, C.: Additive manufacturing of pure tungsten by means of selective laser beam melting with substrate preheating temperatures up to 1000 °C. Nuclear Materials and Energy 19, S. 184 - 188 (2019)
Evans, L. M.; Minniti, T.; Fursdon, M.; Gorley, M.; Barrett, T.; Domptail, F.; Surrey, E.; Kockelmann, W.; Müller, A. v.; Escourbiac, F. et al.; Durocher, A.: Comparison of X-ray and neutron tomographic imaging to qualify manufacturing of a fusion divertor tungsten monoblock. Fusion Engineering and Design 134, S. 97 - 108 (2018)
Gietl, H.; Müller, A. v.; Coenen, J.; Decius, M.; Ewert, D.; Höschen, T.; Huber, P.; Milwich, M.; Riesch, J.; Neu, R.: Textile preforms for tungsten fibre-reinforced composites. Journal of Composite Materials 52 (28), S. 3875 - 3884 (2018)
Müller, A. v.; Ilg, M.; Gietl, H.; Höschen, T.; Neu, R.; Pintsuk, G.; Riesch, J.; Siefken, U.; You, J. H.: The effects of heat treatment at temperatures of 1100 °C to 1300 °C on the tensile properties of high-strength drawn tungsten fibres. Nuclear Materials and Energy 16, S. 163 - 167 (2018)
Tejado, E.; Müller, A. v.; You, J.-H.; Pastor, J. Y.: The thermo-mechanical behaviour of W-Cu metal matrix composites for fusion heat sink applications: The influence of the Cu content. Journal of Nuclear Materials 498, S. 468 - 475 (2018)
Tejado, E.; Müller, A. v.; You, J.-H.; Pastor, J. Y.: Evolution of mechanical performance with temperature of W/Cu and W/CuCrZr composites for fusion heat sink applications. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 712, S. 738 - 746 (2018)
You, J. H.; Visca, E.; Barrett, T.; Böswirth, B.; Crescenzi, F.; Domptail, F.; Fursdon, M.; Gallay, F.; Ghidersa, B.-E.; Greuner, H. et al.; Li, M.; Müller, A. v.; Reiser, J.; Richou, M.; Roccella, S.; Vorpahl, C.: European divertor target concepts for DEMO: Design rationales and high heat flux performance. Nuclear Materials and Energy 16, S. 1 - 11 (2018)
Coenen, J. W.; Mao, Y.; Almanstötter, J.; Calvo, A.; Sistla, S.; Gietl, H.; Jasper, B.; Riesch, J.; Rieth, M.; Pintsuk, G. et al.; Klein, F.; Litnovsky, A.; Müller, A. v.; Wegener, T.; You, J.-H.; Broeckmann, C.; Garcia-Rosales, C.; Neu, R.; Linsmeier, C.: Advanced materials for a damage resilient divertor concept for DEMO: Powder-metallurgical tungsten-fibre reinforced tungsten. Fusion Engineering and Design 124, S. 964 - 968 (2017)
Linsmeier, C.; Rieth, M.; Aktaa, J.; Chikada, T.; Hoffmann, A.; Hoffmann, J.; Houben, A.; Kurishita, H.; Jin, X.; Li, M. et al.; Litnovsky, A.; Matsuo, S.; Müller, A. v.; Nikolic, V.; Palacios, T.; Pippan, R.; Qu, D.; Reiser, J.; Riesch, J.; Shikama, T.; Stieglitz, R.; Weber, T.; Wurster, S.; You, J.-H.; Zhou, Z.: Development of advanced high heat flux and plasma-facing materials. Nuclear Fusion 57, 092007 (2017)
Müller, A. v.; Ewert, D.; Galatanu, A.; Milwich, M.; Neu, R.; Pastor, J. Y.; Siefken, U.; Tejado, E.; You, J. H.: Melt infiltrated tungsten-copper composites as advanced heat sink materials for plasma facing components of future nuclear fusion devices. Fusion Engineering and Design 124, S. 455 - 459 (2017)
Neu, R.; Riesch, J.; Müller, A. v.; Balden, M.; Coenen, J. W.; Gietl, H.; Höschen, T.; Li, M.; Wurster, S.; You, J.-H.: Tungsten fibre-reinforced composites for advanced plasma facing components. Nuclear Materials and Energy 12, S. 1308 - 1313 (2017)
You, J. H.; Mazzone, G.; Visca, E.; Bachmann, C.; Autissier, E.; Barrett, T.; Cocilovo, V.; Crescenzi, F.; Domalapally, P. K.; Dongiovanni, D. et al.; Entler, S.; Federici, G.; Frosi, P.; Fursdon, M.; Greuner, H.; Hancock, D.; Marzullo, D.; McIntosh, S.; Müller, A. v.; Porfiri, M. T.; Ramogida, G.; Reiser, J.; Richou, M.; Rieth, M.; Rydzy, A.; Villari, R.; Widak, V.: Conceptual design studies for the European DEMO divertor: Rationale and first results. Fusion Engineering and Design 109-111, Pt. B, S. 1598 - 1603 (2016)
You, J. H.; Visca, E.; Bachmann, C.; Barrett, T.; Crescenzi, F.; Fursdon, M.; Greuner, H.; Guilhem, D.; Languille, P.; Li, M. et al.; McIntosh, S.; Müller, A. v.; Reiser, J.; Richou, M.; Rieth, M.: European DEMO divertor target: Operational requirements and material-design interface. Nuclear Materials and Energy 9, S. 171 - 176 (2016)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Müller, A. v.; Schlick, G.; Anstätt, C.; Balden, M.; Luca, R. d.; Neu, R.; Seidel, C.; You, J.-H.: Microstructural investigations of tungsten manufactured by means of laser beam melting. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Additive Technologies – iCAT 2016, S. 61 - 66 (Hg. Drstvensek, I.; Drummer, D.; Schmidt, M.). 6th International Conference on Additive Technologies iCAT 2016, Nürnberg, 29. November 2016 - 30. November 2016. Interesansa – zavod, Ljubljana (2016)

Vortrag (43)

Lürbke, R.; Müller, A. v.; Böswirth, B.; Greuner, H.; Riesch, J.; Schlick, G.; Neu, R.: High heat flux testing of plasma-facing component mock-ups with tailored tungsten-copper composite heat sinks. The Nuclear Materials Conference (NuMat 2024), Singapore (eingereicht)
Müller, A. v.; Lürbke, R.; Böswirth, B.; Bradler, M.; Brigl, M.; Carbone, N.; Feichtmayer, A.; Greuner, H.; Hunger, K.; Laukkanen, A. et al.; Lohr, L.; Neu, R.; Riesch, J.; Schlick, G.; Stoll, T.; Tatu, P.: Additive manufacturing for tungsten-based plasma-facing components. 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024), Dublin (eingereicht)
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