Publikationen von K. Sugiyama

Poster (63)

Porosnicu, C.; Lungu, C. P.; Sugiyama, K.; Jacob, W.; Durbeck, T.; Luculescu, C.; Osiceanu, P.; Stan-Sion, C.: Characterization of Deuterium Doped Beryllium Containing Films Prepared by Thermionic Vacuum Arc Method. 27th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2012), Liège (2012)
Alimov, V. K.; Hatano, Y.; Sugiyama, K.; Roth, J.; Tyburska-Püschel, B.; Dorner, J.; Shi, J.; Matsuyama, M.: The effect of displacement damage on deuterium retention in tungsten exposed to D neutrals and D2 gas. 20th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions 2012 (PSI 20), Aachen (2012)
Kreter, A.; Wienhold, P.; Esser, H. G.; Litnovsky, A.; Philipps, V.; Sugiyama, K.; TEXTOR Team: Long-term Carbon Transport and Fuel Retention in Gaps of the Main Toroidal Limiter in TEXTOR. 20th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions 2012 (PSI 20), Aachen (2012)
Markelj, S.; Ogorodnikova, O. V.; Pelicon, P.; Schwarz-Selinger, T.; Sugiyama, K.; Cadez, I.: Study of Thermal Hydrogen Atom Interaction with Undamaged and Self-Damaged Tungsten. 20th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions 2012 (PSI 20), Aachen (2012)
Ogorodnikova, O. V.; Ruset, C.; Sugiyama, K.; Gasparyan, Y.; Efimov, V.; Balden, M.; Matern, G.; Koch, F.: Plasma-induced deuterium retention in tungsten coatings on different substrates produced by combined magnetron-sputtering and ion implantation technique. 20th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions 2012 (PSI 20), Aachen (2012)
Porosnicu, C.; Sugiyama, K.; Lungu, C. P.; Luculescu, C.; Jacob, W.; Dürbeck, T.; Osiceanu, P.: Influence of Thermal Treatment on Deuterium Retention and Release Behaviour for Ternary Be-C-W Thin Films. 20th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions 2012 (PSI 20), Aachen (2012)
Roszell, J. P.; Alimov, V. K.; Sugiyama, K.; Davis, J. W.; Haasz, A. A.: Retention of D in single-crystal tungsten irradiated with 10 eV D+. 20th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions 2012 (PSI 20), Aachen (2012)
Roth, J.; Doerner, R.; Baldwin, M. J.; Xu, H.; Sugiyama, K.; Linsmeier, C.; Oberkofler, M.: Oxidation of Beryllium and Exposure of Beryllium Oxide to Deuterium Plasmas in PISCES B. 20th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions 2012 (PSI 20), Aachen (2012)
Sugiyama, K.; Porosnicu, C.; Jacob, W.; Roth, J.; Dürbeck, T.; Jepu, I.; Lungu, C. P.: Investigation of deuterium retention/release behaviour of beryllium-related mixed materials towards tritium inventory control in ITER. 20th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions 2012 (PSI 20), Aachen (2012)
Torikai, Y.; Taguchi, A.; Saito, M.; Ueda, Y.; Kurishita, H.; Sugiyama, K.; Philipps, V.; Kreter, A.; Zlobinski, M.; TEXTOR Team: Tritium Loading Study of Tungsten Pre-exposed to TEXTOR Plasmas. 20th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions 2012 (PSI 20), Aachen (2012)
Gasparyan, Y.; Krat, S.; Zibrov, M.; Mayer, M.; Sugiyama, K.; Pisarev, A.: Deuterium retention in co-deposited C-W-D films formed in a magnetron deuterium plasma discharge. 13th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications / 1st International Conference on Fusion Energy Materials Science (13th PFMC Workshop / 1st FEMaS Conference), Rosenheim (2011)
Hakola, A.; Aho-Mantila, L.; Airila, M.; Koivuranta, S.; Krieger, K.; Likonen, J.; Lindholm, V.; Matikainen, M.; Mayer, M.; Neu, R. et al.: Erosion and re-deposition of W and Ni in the divertor and midplane regions of ASDEX Upgrade. 13th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications / 1st International Conference on Fusion Energy Materials Science (13th PFMC Workshop / 1st FEMaS Conference), Rosenheim (2011)
Mayer, M.; Balden, M.; Fortuna-Zalesna, E.; Hakola, A.; Kurzydlowski, K. J.; Lindig, S.; Neu, R.; Pisarek, M.; Rasinski, M.; Rozniatowski, K. et al.: LONG-term evolution of tungsten surfaces in ASDEX Upgrade. 13th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications / 1st International Conference on Fusion Energy Materials Science (13th PFMC Workshop / 1st FEMaS Conference), Rosenheim (2011)
Ogorodnikova, O. V.; Sugiyama, K.; Markin, A.; Manhard, A.; Dürbeck, T.; Balden, M.: Effect of nitrogen seeding into deuterium plasma on deuterium retention in tungsten. 13th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications / 1st International Conference on Fusion Energy Materials Science (13th PFMC Workshop / 1st FEMaS Conference), Rosenheim (2011)
Sugiyama, K.; Krieger, K.; Mayer, M.; Balden, M.; Lindig, S.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Deuterium retention in bulk tungsten exposed to the outer divertor plasma of ASDEX Upgrade. 13th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications / 1st International Conference on Fusion Energy Materials Science (13th PFMC Workshop / 1st FEMaS Conference), Rosenheim (2011)
Hakola, A.; Likonen, J.; Koivuranta, S.; Krieger, K.; Mayer, M.; Neu, R.; Rohde, V.; Sugiyama, K.: Transport of boron and carbon in the divertor region of the full-tungsten ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. Physics Days 2011: The 45th Annual Meeting of the Finnish Physical Society and the 2nd Nordic Physics Meeting on "Sharing Methods, Exchanging Ideas", Helsinki (2011)
Roth, J.; Sugiyama, K.; Anghel, A.; Porosnicu, C.; Baldwin, M.; Doerner, R.; Krieger, K.; Lungu, C. P.: Consequences of Deuterium Retention and Release from Be-containing Mixed Materials for ITER Tritium Inventory Control. 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejeon (2010)
Le Guern, F.; Gulden, W.; Ciattaglia, S.; Counsell, G.; Bengaouer, A.; Brinster, J.; Dabbene, F.; Denkevitz, A.; Jordan, T.; Kuznetzov, M. et al.: F4E R&D Programme and Results on In-vessel Dust and Tritium. 26th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2010), Porto (2010)
Pisarev, A.; Gasparyan, Y.; Rusinov, A.; Trifonov, N.; Kurnaev, V.; Spitsyn, A.; Khripunov, B.; Schwarz-Selinger, T.; Rasinski, M.; Sugiyama, K.: Deuterium thermal desorption from carbon based materials: a comparison of plasma exposure, ion implantation, gas loading, and C-D codeposition. 19th Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI 19), San Diego, CA (2010)
Alimov, V. K.; Shu, W. M.; Roth, J.; Sugiyama, K.; Isobe, K.; Yamanishi, T.: Deuterium retention in tungsten exposed to low-energy, high-flux pure and helium-seeded D plasmas. 12th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications (PFMC-12), Jülich (2009)