ASDEX Upgrade-Seminar 2025

Overview of STEP Matter Injection Concept Design

AUG Seminar
STEP is the UK’s major technology and infrastructure programme to build a prototype fusion powerplant that will demonstrate net energy, fuel self-sufficiency and a viable route to plant maintenance. This presentation will give a short overview of the STEP programme before introducing the STEP fuel cycle and providing an overview of the current Matter Injection system design. The presentation will touch on the plans for the ‘three pillars’ of Matter Injection, fuelling, gas puffing and disruption mitigation before highlighting the key risks in each area and planned work for the coming years as the STEP design matures. [mehr]

Implementation of new bolometer electronics at AUG

AUG Seminar

Tradeoffs and Expectations for Negative Triangularity Fusion Power Plants

AUG Seminar

APS Rehearsals

AUG Seminar

H-Mode Workshop Rehearsals

AUG Seminar

A compact stellarator-tokamak hybrid

AUG Seminar

SOFT Rehearsals II

AUG Seminar

SOFT Rehearsals I

AUG Seminar

Comparison of EQH and IDE equilibria for selected discharges

AUG Seminar

EPS Rehearsals V

AUG Seminar - EPS Rehearsals

EPS Rehearsals IV

AUG Seminar - EPS Rehearsals

EPS Rehearsals III

AUG Seminar - EPS Rehearsals

EPS Rehearsals II

AUG Seminar - EPS Rehearsals

EPS Rehearsals I

AUG Seminar - EPS Rehearsals

Validation of plasmoid drift effect simulations with AUG SPI data

AUG Seminar
Rehearsal Review Talk PSI 40' incl. discussion [mehr]

ERW16 rehearsals II

AUG Seminar

ERW16 rehearsals I

AUG Seminar

Further EC frequencies for ASDEX Upgrade?

AUG Seminar

Impact of disruptions on tokamak design Part I

AUG Seminar

Overview of CFS's Radiation Protection Program

AUG Seminar

DPG Rehearsals

AUG Seminar

DPG Rehearsals

AUG Seminar

DPG Rehearsals

AUG Seminar

DPG Rehearsals

AUG Seminar
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