H-Mode Workshop Rehearsals
AUG Seminar
- Datum: 17.09.2024
- Uhrzeit: 15:30 - 16:30
- Vortragende: multiple
- Ort: Seminarraum D3 / Zoom
- Raum: Seminarraum L6, 2.Stock Süd
J. Puchmayr
Pedestal destabilization by magnetic perturbation fields in tokamak plasmas (5')
C. Angioni
Impact of tungsten and its transport on H-mode plasmas: experiments and modelling (40')
L. Radovanovic
Exploring the influence of plasma shape on pedestal structure and stability in ASDEX Upgrade
M. Dunne
The quasi-continuous exhaust regime on ASDEX Upgrade and JET
R. McDermott
Plasma edge profile characteristics in the X-point radiator scenario at ASDEX Upgrade
P. Ulbl
Towards first-principles simulations of the L- to H-mode transition with the global gyrokinetic turbulence code GENE-X
K. Zhang
Electromagnetic turbulence simulation for quasi-continuous exhaust regime