Publikationen der Arbeitsgruppe Plasma-Gaskonversion

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Antunes, R.; Wiegers, K.; Hecimovic, A.; Kiefer, C. K.; Buchberger, S.; Meindl, A.; Schiestel, T.; Schulz, A.; Walker, M.; Fantz, U.: Proof of Concept for O2 Removal with Multiple LCCF Membranes Accommodated in the Effluent of a CO2 Plasma Torch. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 11 (44), S. 15984 - 15993 (2023)
Hecimovic, A.; Kiefer, C. K.; Meindl, A.; Antunes, R.; Fantz, U.: Fast gas quenching of microwave plasma effluent for enhanced CO2 conversion. Journal of CO2 Utilization 71, 102473 (2023)
Ivanova, M. E.; Peters, R.; Müller, M.; Haas, S.; Seidler, M. F.; Mutschke, G.; Eckert, K.; Röse, P.; Calnan, S.; Bagacki, R. et al.; Schlatmann, R.; Grosselindemann, C.; Schäfer, L.-A.; Menzler, N. H.; Weber, A.; van de Krol, R.; Liang, F.; Abdi, F.; Brendelberger, S.; Neumann, N.; Grobbel, J.; Roeb, M.; Sattler, C.; Duran, I.; Dietrich, B.; Hofberger, C.; Stoppel, L.; Uhlenbruck, N.; Wetzel, T.; Rauner, D.; Hecimovic, A.; Fantz, U.; Kulyk, N.; Harting, J.; Guillon, O.: Technological Pathways to Produce Compressed and Highly Pure Hydrogen from Solar Power. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62, e202218850 (2023)
Van Alphen, S.; Hecimovic, A.; Kiefer, C. K.; Fantz, U.; Snyders, R.; Bogaerts, A.: Modelling post-plasma quenching nozzles for improving the performance of CO2 microwave plasmas. Chemical Engineering Journal 462, 142217 (2023)

Vortrag (1)

Hecimovic, A.; Kiefer, C.; Meindl, A.; Antunes, R.; Buddhadasa, M.; Buchberger, S.; Wolf, V.; Fantz, U.: Plasma technology for H2 production and storage. Munich Hydrogen Symposium 2023 (MH2S), Garching (eingereicht)

Poster (5)

Antunes, R.; Kiefer, C. K.; Buddhadasa, M.; Hecimovic, A.; Meindl, A.; Buchberger, S.; Fantz, U.: Next steps in the plasma conversion technologies at IPP: pyrolysis of methane and plasma-catalysis for nitrogen fixation. MTET Subtopic 3.2 “Power-Based Fuels and Chemicals” (MTET 2023), Jülich (eingereicht)
Antunes, R.; Wolf, V.; Buddhadasa, M.; Meindl, A.; Buchberger, S.; Hecimovic, A.; Fantz, U.: Experimental activities at IPP and EPP on N2-H2 plasmas for NH3 synthesis using commercial catalysts. GeCatS Infoday "Electrification of catalytic processes", Frankfurt a. M. (eingereicht)
Buddhadasa, M.; Antunes, R.; Hecimovic, A.; Meindl, A.; Buchberger, S.; Fantz, U.: Gas conversion using packed-bed dielectric barrier discharges: role of packing, challenges and future prospects. 26th International Plasma School on "Low Temperature Plasma Physics: Basics and Applications" (IPSLTPP 2023), Bad Honnef (eingereicht)
Meindl, A.; Hecimovic, A.; Fantz, U.: 1D TALIF of atomic oxygen in the effluent of a CO2 microwave discharge. 35th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG 2023), Egmond aan Zee (eingereicht)
Zhang, W.; Hecimovic, A.; Meindl, A.; Fantz, U.; Fu, Y.: Study of the temperature and efficiency of CO2 gas conversion by microwave Surfaguide discharge at low pressure. 5th International Symposium on Plasma and Energy Conversion (iSPEC2023), Nanjing (eingereicht)
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