CC-Workshop "Discover your strengths - An empowering workshop"

Career Center Workshop

  • Datum: 26.09.2024
  • Uhrzeit: 13:00 - 16:00
  • Vortragende: Meike Rottermann
  • Meike works since 10 years as a coach and career consultant, e.g. through Planck Academy, and as co-founder and trainer at JoyWorks. She creatively integrates trainings in emotional intelligence and career consultation with a background in anthropologies and mindfulness practice. She helps scientists (re-)discover their strength, values and a path to flourish.
  • Ort: online
  • Raum: Zoom
  • Gastgeber: Career Center
  • Kontakt:
Presentation of the skills and experience appropriate to the target occupation.

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In this workshop you will discover your individual talents and strengths and above all, experience the benefits of focusing on strengths (and not on weakness). Furthermore, you will learn how to communicate your core strengths in an authentic, self-confident way.

• Discovery of your own core strengths that have the potential to bring you into flow
• Engaging your strength in project set-ups and collaborations
• Aspects to enhance CV, cover letter, job interviews
• Understanding how your strengths translate into career paths.
• Awareness which talents want to be nurtured
• Tools to continue discovering your strengths
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