Publikationen von P. McNeely

Poster (33)

Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Kraus, W.; Gutser, R.; McNeely, P.; Wünderlich, D.: Influence of the magnetic filter field on the plasma homogeneity of large rf-driven negative hydrogen ion sources. 29th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG 2009), Cancun (2009)
McNeely, P.; NNBI Team: Investigation of fringe plasma parameters on a high power RF driven ion source. 13th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS 2009), Gatlinburg, TN (2009)
Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Kraus, W.; Berger, M.; Christ-Koch, S.; Falter, H.; Fröschle, M.; Gutser, R.; Heinemann, B.; Martens, C. et al.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.; Wünderlich, D.: Physical Performance Analysis of the Negative Ion RF source for the ITER NBI System. 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva (2008)
Kraus, W.; Berger, M.; Falter, H.-D.; Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Fröschle, M.; Heinemann, B.; Martens, C.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R. et al.; Speth, E.; Stäbler, A.: Development of RF driven H-/D- sources for ITER. 35th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Hersonissos, Crete (2008)
Wünderlich, D.; Gutser, R.; Fantz, U.; Berger, M.; Christ-Koch, S.; Franzen, P.; Fröschle, M.; Heinemann, B.; Kraus, W.; Martens, C. et al.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.: Modeling of negative ion RF souces for ITER NBI: Current status and recent achievements. 35th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Hersonissos, Crete (2008)
Franzen, P.; Fantz, U.; Kraus, W.; Berger, M.; Christ-Koch, S.; Fröschle, M.; Heinemann, B.; Maisberger, F.; Martens, C.; McNeely, P. et al.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.; Wünderlich, D.; Zacharias, T.: Homogeneity and long pulse operation of the IPP RF sources for the ITER NBI system. 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Warsaw (2007)
Wünderlich, D.; Gutser, R.; Fantz, U.; Berger, M.; Christ-Koch, S.; Falter, H. D.; Franzen, P.; Fröschle, M.; Heinemann, B.; Kraus, W. et al.; Martens, C.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.: Modeling of a negative ion RF source for ITER NBI. 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Warsaw (2007)
Franzen, P.; Falter, H.-D.; Fantz, U.; Kraus, W.; Speth, E.; Berger, M.; Christ, S.; Fröschle, M.; Gutser, R.; Heinemann, B. et al.; Hilbert, S.; Leyer, S.; Martens, C.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Wünderlich, D.: Status of the IPP RF negative ion source development for the ITER NBI system. 24th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2006), Warsaw (2006)

Heft (1)

Kraus, W.; McNeely, P. (Hg.): Fourth International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS 2014) (Sonderheft). AIP Conference Proceedings 1655 (2015)
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