Publikationen von V. Kh. Alimov
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (52)
35, 101430 (2023)
Deuterium retention in reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel EUROFER97 exposed to low-energy deuterium plasma. Nuclear Materials and Energy 2.
67 (2), S. 361 - 364 (2015)
Tritium Retention in Reduced-activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels. Fusion Science and Technology 3.
463, S. 272 - 275 (2015)
Erosion study of Fe-W binary mixed layer prepared as model system of RAFM steel. Journal of Nuclear Materials 4.
T159, 014049 (2014)
Surface modification and deuterium retention in reduced activation ferritic martensitic steels exposed to low-energy, high flux D plasma and D2 gas. Physica Scripta 5.
454 (1-3), S. 1 - 6 (2014)
EUROFER as wall material: reduced sputtering yields due to W surface enrichment. Journal of Nuclear Materials 6.
438, S. S959 - S962 (2013)
The effect of displacement damage on deuterium retention in tungsten exposed to D neutrals and D2 gas. Journal of Nuclear Materials 7.
441 (1-3), S. 280 - 285 (2013)
Deuterium retention in tungsten damaged with W ions to various damage levels. Journal of Nuclear Materials 8.
438, S. S114 - S119 (2013)
Trapping of hydrogen isotopes in radiation defects formed in tungsten by neutron and ion irradiations. Journal of Nuclear Materials 9.
53, 073006 (7pp) (2013)
Deuterium trapping at defects created with neutron and ion irradiations in tungsten. Nuclear Fusion 10.
438, S. S1084 - S1087 (2013)
Deuterium retention in single-crystal tungsten irradiated with 10-500 eV/D+. Journal of Nuclear Materials 11.
432 (1-3), S. 341 - 347 (2013)
Hydrogen isotope exchange in tungsten: Discussion as removal method for tritium. Journal of Nuclear Materials 12.
53, 123021 (7pp) (2013)
On the reduction of deuterium retention in damaged Re-doped W. Nuclear Fusion 13.
434 (1-3), S. 375 - 381 (2013)
Effect of sputtering on self-damaged recrystallized W mirror specimens. Journal of Nuclear Materials 14.
420 (1-3), S. 370 - 373 (2012)
The effect of displacement damage on deuterium retention in ITER-grade tungsten exposed to low-energy, high-flux pure and helium-seeded deuterium plasmas. Journal of Nuclear Materials 15.
420 (1-3), S. 519 - 524 (2012)
Temperature dependence of surface morphology and deuterium retention in polycrystalline ITER-grade tungsten exposed to low-energy, high-flux D plasma. Journal of Nuclear Materials 16.
414 (3), S. 479 - 484 (2011)
Deuterium retention in plasma spray tungsten coatings exposed to low-energy, high flux D plasma. Journal of Nuclear Materials 17.
417 (1-3), S. 572 - 575 (2011)
Temperature dependence of surface topography and deuterium retention in tungsten exposed to low-energy, high-flux D plasma. Journal of Nuclear Materials 18.
409, S. 27 - 32 (2011)
Surface morphology and deuterium retention in tungsten oxide layers exposed to low-energy, high flux D plasma. Journal of Nuclear Materials 19.
Deuterium retention in porous vacuum plasma-sprayed tungsten coating exposed to low-energy, high-flux pure and helium-seeded D plasmas. Supplement, S. S628 - S631 (2011)
2011 (T145), 014037 (5pp) (2011)
Hydrogen isotope exchange in tungsten irradiated sequentially with low-energy deuterium and protium ions. Physica Scripta