Publikationen von Ch. Linsmeier
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Zeitschriftenartikel (89)
16, 093018 (2014)
Implantation and erosion of nitrogen in tungsten. New Journal of Physics 2.
317 (Part A), S. 121 - 125 (2013)
Experimental resolution of hydrogen and deuterium depth profiling with the nuclear reactions D(3He,p)α and p(15N,α,γ)12C. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 3.
53, 113013 (9pp) (2013)
Roughening and reflection performance of molybdenum coatings exposed to a high-flux deuterium plasma. Nuclear Fusion 4.
113, 213514 (9pp) (2013)
Absorption and diffusion of beryllium in graphite, beryllium carbide formation investigated by density functional theory. Journal of Applied Physics 5.
25, 015002 (12pp) (2013)
Adsorption of beryllium atoms and clusters both on graphene and in a bilayer of graphite investigated by DFT. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 6.
442 (1-3), S. S256 - S260 (2013)
Investigation of European tungsten materials exposed to high heat flux H/He neutral beams. Journal of Nuclear Materials 7.
438, S. S766 - S770 (2013)
Quantitative depth-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of the interaction of energetic oxygen ions with the beryllium–tungsten alloy Be2W. Journal of Nuclear Materials 8.
442 (1-3), S. S834 - S845 (2013)
Advanced materials characterization and modeling using synchrotron, neutron, TEM, and novel micro-mechanical techniques - A European effort to accelerate fusion materials development. Journal of Nuclear Materials 9.
438, S. S921 - S924 (2013)
Erosion behavior of actively cooled tungsten under H/He high heat flux load. Journal of Nuclear Materials 10.
88 (9-10), S. 1718 - 1721 (2013)
Can aluminium or magnesium be a surrogate for beryllium: A critical investigation of their chemistry. Fusion Engineering and Design 11.
438, S. S258 - S261 (2013)
First nitrogen-seeding experiments in JET with the ITER-like Wall. Journal of Nuclear Materials 12.
438, S. S1072 - S1075 (2013)
Deuterium trapping and release in Be(0001), Be(11-20) and polycrystalline beryllium. Journal of Nuclear Materials 13.
61 (19), S. 7060 - 7071 (2013)
In situ synchrotron tomography estimation of toughening effect by semi-ductile fibre reinforcement in a tungsten-fibre-reinforced tungsten composite system. Acta Materialia 14.
432 (1-3), S. 482 - 500 (2013)
Recent progress in research on tungsten materials for nuclear fusion applications in Europe. Journal of Nuclear Materials 15.
442 (1-3), S. S173 - S180 (2013)
A brief summary of the progress on the EFDA tungsten materials program. Journal of Nuclear Materials 16.
438, S. S1044 - S1047 (2013)
Oxidation of beryllium and exposure of beryllium oxide to deuterium plasmas in PISCES B. Journal of Nuclear Materials 17.
53, 027003 (23pp) (2013)
Summary of the ARIES Town Meeting: "Edge Plasma Physics and Plasma Material Interactions in the Fusion Power Plant Regime". Nuclear Fusion 18.
53, 069501 (1p) (2013)
Corrigendum: Summary of the ARIES Town Meeting: "Edge Plasma Physics and Plasma Material Interactions in the Fusion Power Plant Regime". Nuclear Fusion 19.
437 (1-3), S. 297 - 302 (2013)
Surface modification of molten W exposed to high heat flux helium neutral beams. Journal of Nuclear Materials 20.
417 (1-3), S. 495 - 498 (2011)
Investigation of W components exposed to high thermal and high H/He fluxes. Journal of Nuclear Materials