Publikationen von M. Sokoll
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (8)
37 (1), S. 119 - 125 (1997)
Tearing mode formation and radiative edge cooling prior to density limit disruptions in ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 2.
39, Suppl. 12B, S. B237 - B246 (1997)
Neoclassical MHD in ASDEX Upgrade and COMPASS-D. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 3.
38 (9), S. 1543 - 1559 (1996)
MHD activity as seen in soft x-ray radiation. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 4.
38 (12A Sp. Iss. SI), S. A165 - A179 (1996)
The tungsten divertor experiment at ASDEX upgrade. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 5.
74 (21), S. 4217 - 4220 (1995)
Observation of Continuous Divertor Detachment in H-Mode Discharges in ASDEX Upgrade. Physical Review Letters 6.
37 (Suppl. 11A), S. A37 - A51 (1995)
The compatibility of high confinement times and complete divertor detachment in ASDEX-Upgrade. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 7.
37 (Suppl. 11A), S. A313 - A324 (1995)
MHD stability and disruption physics in ASDEX upgrade. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 8.
36 (12B Suppl. S), S. B79 - B92 (1994)
Recent results from divertor operation in ASDEX Upgrade. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Konferenzbeitrag (8)
Bartiromo, R.; Wagner, F.). 24th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berchtesgaden, 09. Juni 1997 - 13. Juni 1997. European Physical Society, Geneva (1997)
Investigations of Tungsten in the Central Plasma of ASDEX Upgrade. In: 24th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, S. 1393 - 1396 (Hg. Schlittenhelm, M.; 10.
MHD stability and disruption studies in ASDEX Upgrade. In: Fusion Energy 1996. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Fusion Energy, S. 359 - 368. 16th International Conference on Fusion Energy, Montreal, 07. Oktober 1996 - 11. Oktober 1996. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna (1997)
Schittenhelm, M.; Bartiromo, R.; Wagner, F.). 24th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berchtesgaden, 09. Juni 1997 - 13. Juni 1997. European Physical Society, Geneva (1997)
Radially Propagating High-n/High-m Mode Cascades during Flattening or Inversion of Central q-Profile in ASDEX Upgrade. In: 24th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, S. 1513 - 1516 (Hg. 12.
Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results. In: Fusion Energy 1996. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Fusion Energy, S. 79 - 94. 16th International Conference on Fusion Energy, Montreal, 07. Oktober 1996 - 11. Oktober 1996. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna (1997)
Schittenhelm, M.; Bartiromo, R.; Wagner, F.). 24th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berchtesgaden, 09. Juni 1997 - 13. Juni 1997. European Physical Society, Geneva (1997)
Differential Rotational Soft X-Ray Tomography of Coupled MHD Modes. In: 24th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, S. 1517 - 1520 (Hg. 14.
Measurement and Modelling of Impurity Transport in Radiating Boundary Discharges in ASDEX Upgrades. In: 23rd European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, S. 95 - 98 (Hg. Gresillon, D.; Sitenko, A.; Zagorodny, A.). 23rd EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Kiev (UA), 24. Juni 1996 - 28. Juni 1996. European Physical Society, Geneva (1996)
Beta-Limiting Phenomena in ASDEX Upgrade. In: 23rd European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, S. 43 - 46 (Hg. Gresillon, D.; Sitenko, A.; Zagorodny, A.). 23rd EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Kiev (UA), 24. Juni 1996 - 28. Juni 1996. European Physical Society, Geneva (1996)
Analysis of Rotating (m=1, n=1) Modes as Seen in Soft X-Ray Radiation and its Application to Current Profile Identification. In: 22nd European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, S. 133 - 136 (Hg. Keen, B. E.; Stott, P. E.; Winter, J.). 22nd EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Bournemouth, 03. Juli 1995 - 07. Juli 1995. European Physical Society, Geneva (1995)
Bericht (4)
MHD-Instabilitäten in magnetisch eingeschlossenen Plasmen und ihre tomographische Rekonstruktion im Röntgenlicht. Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching(DE) (1997), 155 S.
Interpretation and Tomography of SXR Data with the Codes VISO and DIRO. Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching (DE) (1997), 50 S.
Soft X-Ray Diagnostics for ASDEX Upgrade. Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching (1995), 25 S.
Charge Exchange Fluxes of Ripple Trapped Slowing-Down Ions During L-to-H Transition and ELMs. Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching(DE) (1995), 15 S.