Publikationen von A. Tanga
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (21)
49, 075001 (11pp) (2009)
A lower hybrid current drive system for ITER. Nuclear Fusion 2.
84 (7-11), S. 1276 - 1280 (2009)
European programme towards the 1 MeV ITER NB injector. Fusion Engineering and Design 3.
363-365, S. 346 - 352 (2007)
Simulations of ITER start-up and assessment of limiter power loads. Journal of Nuclear Materials 4.
46, S. S220 - S238 (2006)
Overview of the RF source development programme at IPP Garching. Nuclear Fusion 5.
74, S. 299 - 303 (2005)
Diagnostics of the cesium amount in an RF negative ion source and the correlation with the extracted current density. Fusion Engineering and Design 6.
74, S. 351 - 357 (2005)
Status and plans for the development of a RF negative ion source for ITER NBI. Fusion Engineering and Design 7.
74, S. 279 - 282 (2005)
Development of a RF source for ITER NBI: First results with D− operation. Fusion Engineering and Design 8.
74, S. 255 - 259 (2005)
Maintenance schemes for the ITER neutral beam test facility. Fusion Engineering and Design 9.
96, S. 4107 - 4113 (2004)
Analysis of plasma dynamics of a negative ion source based on probe measurements. Journal of Applied Physics 10.
44, S. 624 - 628 (2004)
Comparative Measurements between Langmuir Probe and Ion-Acoustic Wave Detection in a Radio Frequency Source. Contributions to Plasma Physics 11.
75, S. 1832 - 1834 (2004)
Progress in the development of rf driven H–/D– sources for neutral beam injection. Review of Scientific Instruments 12.
84, S. 182 - 184 (2004)
Measurement of ion flow in a negative ion source using a Mach probe. Applied Physics Letters 13.
43, S. 1570 - 1582 (2003)
Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results. Nuclear Fusion 14.
44 (Suppl. 12B), S. B69 - B83 (2002)
Steady state advanced scenarios at ASDEX Upgrade. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 15.
41, S. 1369 - 1389 (2001)
Overview of ASDEX Upgrade Results. Nuclear Fusion 16.
4 (5), S. 1725 - 1735 (1997)
High performance Joint European Torus (JET) plasmas for deuterium-tritium operation with the MkII divertor. Physics of Plasmas 17.
37 (Suppl. 11A), S. A3 - A17 (1995)
JET results with the new pumped divertor and implications for ITER. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 18.
26 (1-4), S. 17 - 28 (1995)
Review of neutral beam heating on JET for physics experiments and the production of high fusion performance plasmas. Fusion Engineering and Design 19.
36 (12B Suppl. S), S. B39 - B53 (1994)
First Results with the modified JET - The JET Team. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 20.
36 (7 Suppl. A), S. A23 - A38 (1994)
Overview of high performance H-modes in JET. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion