Publikationen von D. Wünderlich

Zeitschriftenartikel (138)

Gutser, R.; Fantz, U.; Wünderlich, D.: Simulation of cesium injection and distribution in rf-driven ion sources for negative hydrogen ion generation. Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 02A706 (3pp) (2010)
Gutser, R.; Wünderlich, D.; Fantz, U.; NNBI Team: Transport of negative hydrogen and deuterium ions in RF-driven ion sources. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 52, 045017 (10pp) (2010)
Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Kraus, W.; Berger, M.; Christ-Koch, S.; Falter, H.; Fröschle, M.; Gutser, R.; Heinemann, B.; Martens, C. et al.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.; Stäbler, A.; Wünderlich, D.: Physical performance analysis and progress of the development of the negative ion RF source for the ITER NBI system. Nuclear Fusion 49, 125007 (9pp) (2009)
Gutser, R.; Wünderlich, D.; Fantz, U.; NNBI Team: Negative Hydrogen Ion Transport in RF-driven Ion Sources for ITER NBI. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 51, 045005 (14pp) (2009)
Heinemann, B.; Falter, H.; Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Fröschle, M.; Gutser, R.; Kraus, W.; Nocentini, R.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E. et al.; Stäbler, A.; Wünderlich, D.; Agostinetti, P.; Jiang, T.: Design of the "half-size" ITER Neutral Beam Source for the Test Facility ELISE. Fusion Engineering and Design 84 (2-6), S. 915 - 922 (2009)
Stäbler, A.; Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Berger, M.; Christ-Koch, S.; Falter, H. D.; Froeschle, M.; Gutser, R.; Heinemann, B.; Holtum, D. et al.; Kraus, W.; Martens, C.; McNeely, P.; Nocentini, R.; Obermayer, S.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.; Wünderlich, D.: Development of a RF-driven ion source for the ITER NBI system. Fusion Engineering and Design 84 (2-6), S. 265 - 268 (2009)
Wünderlich, D.; Dietrich, S.; Fantz, U.: Application of a collisional radiative model to atomic hydrogen for diagnostic purposes. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 110 (1-2), S. 62 - 71 (2009)
Wünderlich, D.; Gutser, R.; Fantz, U.: PIC code for the plasma sheath in large caesiated RF sources for negative hydrogen ions. Plasma Sources Science and Technology 18, 045031 (7pp) (2009)
Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Kraus, W.; Falter, H. D.; Berger, M.; Christ-Koch, S.; Fröschle, M.; Gutser, R.; Heinemann, B.; Martens, C. et al.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.; Wünderlich, D.: Low Pressure and High Power RF Sources for Negative Hydrogen Ions for Fusion Applications (ITER neutral beam injection) (invited). Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (2), 02A511 (6pp) (2008)
Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Kraus, W.; Berger, M.; Christ-Koch, S.; Fröschle, M.; Gutser, R.; Heinemann, B.; Martens, C.; McNeely, P. et al.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.; Wünderlich, D.: Negative ion RF sources for ITER NBI: status of the deveopment and recent achievements. Invited Paper. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 49, S. B563 - B580 (2007)
Franzen, P.; Falter, H. D.; Fantz, U.; Kraus, W.; Berger, M.; Christ, S.; Fröschle, M.; Gutser, R.; Heinemann, B.; Hilbert, S. et al.; Leyer, S.; Martens, C.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.; Wünderlich, D.: Progress of the Development of the IPP RF Negative Ion Source for the ITER Neutral Beam System. Nuclear Fusion 47, S. 264 - 270 (2007)
Franzen, P.; Falter, H.; Heinemann, B.; Martens, C.; Fantz, U.; Berger, M.; Christ-Koch, S.; Fröschle, M.; Holtum, D.; Kraus, W. et al.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Süss, R.; Obermayer, S.; Speth, E.; Wünderlich, D.: RADI - a RF source size-scaling experiment towards the ITER neutral beam negative ion source. Fusion Engineering and Design 82, S. 407 - 423 (2007)
Fantz, U.; Falter, H.; Franzen, P.; Wünderlich, D.; Berger, M.; Lorenz, A.; Kraus, W.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.: Spectroscopy - A Powerful Diagnostic Tool in Source Development. Nuclear Fusion 46, S. S297 - S306 (2006)
Fantz, U.; Wünderlich, D.: Franck-Condon factors, transition probabilities, and radiative lifetimes for hydrogen molecules and their isotopomeres. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 92, S. 853 - 973 (2006)
Fantz, U.; Wünderlich, D.: A novel diagnostic technique for H¯(D¯) densities in negative hdyrogen ion sources. New Journal of Physics 8, 301 (2006)
Fantz, U.; Heger, B.; Wünderlich, D.; Pugno, R.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Photon efficiency (S+D)/XB of hydrogen molecules at low electron temperatures. Journal of Nuclear Materials 313-316, S. 743 - 747 (2003)
Fantz, U.; Heger, B.; Wünderlich, D.: Using the Radiation of Hydrogen Molecules for Electron Temperature Diagnostics of Divertor Plasmas. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 43, S. 907 - 918 (2001)

Buchkapitel (11)

Fantz, U.; Schiesko, L.; Wünderlich, D.; NNBI Team: A comparison of hydrogen and deuterium plasmas in the IPP prototype ion source for fusion. In: Third International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS 2012), S. 187 - 196 (Hg. Tarvainen, O.; Kalvas, T.). American Institute of Physics, Melville, TN (2013)
Kraus, W.; Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Fröschle, M.; Heinemann, B.; Martens, C.; Riedl, R.; Wünderlich, D.: Commissioning of the negative ion testbed ELISE. In: Third International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS 2012), S. 129 - 138 (Hg. Tarvainen, O.; Kalvas, T.). American Institute of Physics, Melville, TN (2013)
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