Publikationen von G. Meng

Vortrag (13)

Lu, Z. X.; Meng, G.; Hoelzl, M.; Lauber, P.: Implicit full f particle simulations of Alfvén waves and energetic particle physics. CNPS Workshop on Multi-scale Energetic Particle Transport in Fusion Devices (Virtual), Frascati (Rome) (eingereicht)
Lu, Z.; Meng, G.; Hoelzl, M.; Lauber, P.: An implicit full f particle method for studies of Alfvén waves and energetic particle physics. 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP 2020) , Virtual (eingereicht)
Meng, G.; Carlevaro, N.; Lauber, P.; Lu, Z.; Montani, G.; Wang, X.; Zonca, F.: Interaction of alpha particles with Alfvén modes in ITER15MA case. CNPS Workshop on Multi-scale Energetic Particle Transport in Fusion Devices (Virtual), Frascati (Rome) (eingereicht)
Wang, X.; Briguglio, S.; Vlad, G.; Di Troia, C.; Falessi, M.; Fogaccia, G.; Fusco, V.; Lauber, P.; Meng, G.; Zonca, F.: Nonlinear dynamics of frequency chirping energetic particle driven modes in fusion plasmas. 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP 2020) , Virtual (eingereicht)
Lu, Z.; Meng, G.; Hoelzl, M.; Lauber, P.: The development of an implicit full f method for electromagnetic particle simulations of Alfvén waves and energetic particle physics. Numerical Methods for the Kinetic Equations of Plasma Physics (NumKin 2020) (Virtual), Garching (eingereicht)
Meng, G.; Lauber, P.; Lu, Z.; Wang, X.: Effects of the non-perturbative mode structure on energetic particle transport. 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP 2020), Virtual (eingereicht)

Poster (10)

Lu, Z.; Meng, G.; Hatzky, R.; Sonnendrücker, E.; Mishchenko, A.; Lauber, P.; Zonca, F.; Hoelzl, M.: Gyrokinetic Electromagnetic Particle Simulations in Triangular Meshes with C1 Finite Element. Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasmas, Lausanne (eingereicht)
Lauber, P.; Falessi, M.; Biancalani, A.; Bottino, A.; Briguglio, S.; Carlevaro, N.; Fusco, V.; Giovannozzi, E.; Hayward-Schneider, T.; Holderied, F. et al.; Könies, A.; Li, Y.; Li, Y.-Y.; Meng, G.; Milovanov, A. V.; Montani, G.; Popa, V.-A.; Possaner, S.; Vlad, G.; Wang, X.; Weiland, M.; Zocco, A.; Zonca, F.; Schneider, M.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Advanced transport models for energetic particles. 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2023), London (eingereicht)
Lu, Z. X.; Meng, G.; Sonnendrücker, E.; Hatzky, R.; Zonca, F.; Mishchenko, A.; Huijsmans, G.T.A.; Hoelzl, M.: Piecewise field-aligned finite element method in particle simulations. 20th European Fusion Theory Conference (EFTC 2023), Padova (eingereicht)
Meng, G.; Lauber, P.; Lu, Z.; Bergmann, A.; ATEP Team: A neoclassical solver for the transport equations of phase space zonal structures of energetic particles. 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2023), London (eingereicht)
Meng, G.; Lauber, P.; Lu, Z.; Bergmann, A.; Schneider, M.; ATEP Team: A solver for energetic particles transport in constants of motion space with collision and phase space zonal structures in tokamak plasmas. 20th European Fusion Theory Conference (EFTC 2023), Padova (eingereicht)
Wang, Y. Q.; Hao, G. Z.; Zou, Y. P.; Liu, Y. Q.; Chen, W.; Meng, G.; Dong, G. Q.; Zhao, Y. F.; Ming, Y. G.: Effects of fishbone-like mode on energetic particle transport and loss in tokamak plasmas. 49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Bordeaux (2023)
Lu, Z.; Meng, G.; Hatzky, R.; Lauber, P.; Hoelzl, M.: Implementation of gyrokinetic electromagnetic models using cubic spline and C1 finite elements. Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasmas, Lausanne (eingereicht)
Lu, Z.; Meng, G.; Hoelzl, M.; Lauber, P.: Particle and moment enslavement in the implicit full f particle simulations. 19th European Fusion Theory Conference (EFTC 2021), Virtual (eingereicht)
Lauber, P.; Meng, G.; Lu, Z.; Popa, A.; Geiger, B.; Papp, G.; Gil, L.; Conway, G. D.; Maraschek, M.; Por, G. et al.; Poloskei, P.; Bierwage, A.; Shinohara, K.; Schneider, M.; Pinches, S.; Hayward-Schneider, T.: Energetic Particle Dynamics Induced by Off-axis Neutral Beam Injection on ASDEX-Upgrade, JT-60SA and ITER. 28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2020), Virtual (eingereicht)
Meng, G.; Lauber, P.; Lu, Z. X.; Wang, X.; Hayward-Schneider, T.: Effects of the non-perturbative mode structure on energetic particle transport. 16th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems – Theory of Plasma Instabilities (EPPI 2019), Shizuoka City (eingereicht)
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