Publikationen von O. Maj

Zeitschriftenartikel (48)

Maj, O.; Mariani, A.; Poli, E.; Farina, D.: The wave energy flux of high frequency diffracting beams in complex geometrical optics. Physics of Plasmas 20, 042122 (20pp) (2013)
Bertelli, N.; Maj, O.; Poli, E.; Harvey, R.; Wright, J. C.; Bonoli, P. T.; Phillips, C. K.; Smirnov, A. P.; Valeo, E.; Wilson, J. R.: Paraxial Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin method applied to the lower hybrid wave propagation. Physics of Plasmas 19, 082510 (10pp) (2012)
Maj, O.; Poli, E.; Westerhof, E.: Coupling the beam tracing code TORBEAM and the Fokker-Planck solver RELAX for fast electrons. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 401, 012013 (8pp) (2012)
Tsalas, M.; Kantor, M. Y.; Maj, O.; Bilato, R.; de Vries, P. C.; Donné, A. J. H.; Herrmann, A.; Kurzan, B.; Wolfrum, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Feasibility study for a new high resolution Thomson scattering system for the ASDEX Upgrade pedestal. Journal of Instrumentation 7, C03015 (11pp) (2012)
Bilato, R.; Brambilla, M.; Maj, O.; Horton, L. D.; Maggi, C. F.; Stober, J.: Simulations of combined neutral beam injection and ion cyclotron heating with the TORIC-SSFPQL package. Nuclear Fusion 51, 103034 (11pp) (2011)
Belmondo, V.; Bilato, R.; Brambilla, M.; Maj, O.: Orbit-averaged quasilinear diffusion operator in the ion-cyclotron range of frequencies. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 260, 012001 (8pp) (2010)
Maj, O.; Balakin, A. A.; Poli, E.: Effects of aberration on paraxial wave beams: beam tracing versus quasi-optical solutions. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 52, 085006 (21pp) (2010)
Maj, O.; Pereverzev, G. V.; Poli, E.: Validation of the paraxial beam-tracing method in critical cases. Physics of Plasmas 16, 062105 (15pp) (2009)

Buchkapitel (3)

Maj, O.: A first-principles analysis of energy transport by oscillatory waves. In: Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas: Proceedings of the 18th Topical Conference, S. 601 - 604 (Hg. Bobkov, V.; Noterdaeme, J.-M.). American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY (2009)
Maj, O.; Pereverzev, G. V.; Poli, E.: Validation of the beam tracing method for heating and diagnostics. In: Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas: Proceedings of the 18th Topical Conference, S. 637 - 640 (Hg. Bobkov, V.; Noterdaeme, J.-M.). American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY (2009)
Bertelli, N.; Maj, O.; Poli, E.; Pereverzev, G.; Peysson, Y.; Decker, J.: Analysis of the spectral width and validation of the LHBEAM code. In: Theory of Fusion Plasmas, S. 259 - 264 (Hg. Sauter, O.; Garbet, X.; Sindoni, E.). American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY (2008)

Konferenzbeitrag (13)

Furno, I.; Alberti, S.; Baquero, M.; Chellai, O.; Goodman, T. P.; Ricci, P.; Riva, F.; Maj, O.: Broadening of mm-wave beam by plasma turbulence in the basic plasma physics device TORPEX and TCV tokamak. In: 2019 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), S. 882 - 882. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2019), Granada, 09. September 2019 - 13. September 2019. IEEE, New York, NY (2020)
Falchetto, G. L.; Airila, M. I.; Alberto Morillas, A.; Andersson Sunden, E.; Aniel, T.; Artaud, J.-F.; Asunta, O.; Atanasiu, C. V.; Baelmans, M.; Basiuk, V. et al.; Bilato, R.; Blommaert, M.; Borodin, D.; Boulbe, C.; Briguglio, S.; Citrin, J.; Coelho, R.; Conroy, S.; Coster, D.; Doriæ, V.; Dumont, R.; Fable, E.; Faugeras, B.; Ferreira, J.; Figini, L.; Figueiredo, A.; Fogaccia, G.; Fuchs, C.; Giovannozzi, E.; Goloborod'ko, V.; Hoenen, O.; Huynh, P.; Imbeaux, F.; Ivanova-Stanik, I.; Johnson, T.; Kalupin, D.; Kos, L.; Lerche, E.; Madsen, J.; Maj, O.; Manduchi, G.; Mantsinen, M.; Marandet, Y.; Matejcik, S.; Mayo-Garcia, R.; McCarthy, P.J.; Merle, A.; Nardon, E.; Nielsen, A. H.; Nowak, S.; O'Mullane, M.; Owsiak, M.; Pais, V.; Palak, B.; Pelka, G.; Plociennik, M.; Pokol, G. I.; Poljak, D.; Radhakrishnan, H.; Reimerdes, H.; Reiser, D.; Romazanov, J.; Rodrigues, P.; Saez, X.; Samaddar, D.; Sauter, O.; Schmid, K.; Scott, B. D.; Sesnic, S.; Signoret, J.; Sipilä, S. K.; Stankiewicz, R.; Strand, P.; Suchkov, E.; Susnjara, A.; Szepesi, G.; Tegnered, D.; Tokesi, K.; Tskhakaya, D.; Urban, J.; Vallejos, P.; Van Eester, D.; Villard, L.; Villone, F.; Viola, B.; Vlad, G.; Westerhof, E.; Yadykin, D.; Zagorski, R.; Zaitsev, F.; Zok, T.; Zwingmann, W.; Äkäslompolo, S.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion-IM Team: EUROfusion Integrated Modelling (EU-IM) Capabilities and Selected Physics Applications. In: 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, TH/P2-13. 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2016), Kyoto, 17. Oktober 2016 - 22. Oktober 2016. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2018)
Stegmeir, A.; Coster, D.; Maj, O.; Ross, A.; Lackner, K.: The field line map approach for simulations of plasma edge/SOL turbulence. In: 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, TH/P6-6. 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2016), Kyoto, 17. Oktober 2016 - 22. Oktober 2016. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2018)
Denk, S. S.; Fischer, R.; Maj, O.; Poli, E.; Willensdorfer, M.; Stober, J.; Stroth, U.; Suttrop, W.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Shine-through in electron cyclotron emission measurements. In: 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.108. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast, 26. Juni 2017 - 30. Juni 2017. European Physical Society, Geneva (2017)
Bilato, R.; Belmondo, V.; Brambilla, M.; Maj, O.; Poli, E.: Progress on the ICRF orbit-averaged quasilinear operator of TORIC full-wave code. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.045 (Hg. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, 04. Juli 2016 - 08. Juli 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Bock, A.; Fable, E.; Fischer, R.; Reich, M.; Rittich, D.; Stober, J.; Bernert, M.; Burckhart, A.; Dunne, M.; Geiger, B. et al.; Giannone, L.; Kappatou, A.; Maj, O.; McDermott, R.; Mlynek, A.; Poli, E.; Tardini, G.; Zohm, H.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Non-Inductive Improved H-mode Operation in ASDEX Upgrade. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, O3.110 (Hg. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, 04. Juli 2016 - 08. Juli 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Stegmeir, A.; Coster, D.; Ross, A.; Maj, O.; Lackner, K.: The field line map approach for simulations of edge/SOL in divertor geometry. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.041 (Hg. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, 04. Juli 2016 - 08. Juli 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Poli, E.; Maj, O.; Weber, H.; Sysoeva, E. V.; Gusakov, E. Z.: Scattering of electromagnetic wave beams from density fluctuations in tokamak plasmas. In: 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.174 (Hg. Bingham, R.; Suttrop, W.; Atzeni, S.; Foest, R.; McClements, K. et al.). 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Lisbon, 22. Juni 2015 - 26. Juni 2015. European Physical Society, Geneva (2015)
Farina, D.; Poli, E.; Figini, L.; Maj, O.; Mariani, A.; Weber, H.; Goodman, T.; Sauter, O.; Cavinato, M.; Saibene, G. et al.; Henderson, M.: ECCD requirements and criteria for NTM stabilization in ITER scenarios. In: 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P5.007 (Hg. Ratynskaia, S.; Mantica, P.; Benuzzi-Mounaix, A.; Dilecce, G.; Bingham, R. et al.). 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin, 23. Juni 2014 - 27. Juni 2014. (2014)
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