Publikationen von A. von Müller

Zeitschriftenartikel (37)

Bustreo, C.; Ben Ayed, N.; Biberacher, M.; Bongiovi, G.; Börcsök, E.; Cadenovic, R.; Cokh, V.; Colucci, G.; De Marchi, E.; Dongiovanni, D. N. et al.; Ferencz, Z.; Geysmans, R.; Giacometti, A.; Gracceva, F.; Jones, C. R.; Kembleton, R.; Kenens, J.; Lamut, U.; Lechon, Y.; Lerede, D.; Lopes Cardozo, N. J.; Meskens, G.; Müller, A. v.; Olahne Groma, V.; Oltra, C.; Orlando, M. T.; Povh, J.; Prades, A.; Savoldi, L.; Stankiewicz, P.; Trotta, A.; Turcanu, C.; Vitiello, S.; Ward, S. H.: Socio economic perspectives on fusion power for a sustainable future energy system. Fusion Engineering and Design 208, 114679 (2024)
Junghanns, P.; Busch, M.; Müller, A. v.; Roccella, S.; Hunger, K.; You, J.-H.; Neu, R.; Riesch, J.; Boscary, J.: Galvanic process for Cu-infiltration of W fibre-reinforced heat sinks. Fusion Engineering and Design 201, 114268 (2024)
Riesch, J.; Müller, A. v.; Mao, Y.; Coenen, J. W.; Böswirth, B.; Elgeti, S.; Fuhr, M.; Greuner, H.; Höschen, T.; Hunger, K. et al.; Junghanns, P.; Lau, A.; Roccella, S.; Vanlitsenburgh, L.; You, J.-H.; Linsmeier, C.; Neu, R.: Progress in the development of industrial scale tungsten fibre-reinforced composite materials. Nuclear Materials and Energy 38, 101591 (2024)
Stoll, T.; Schmitt, M.; Lohr, L.; Lürbke, R.; Müller, A. v.; Pinomaa, T.; Grünewald, J.; Laukkanen, A.; Wudy, K.; Neu, R.: Influence of laser beam shaping on the cracking behavior of tungsten at single weld lines. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 125, 106864 (2024)
De Luca, R.; Fanelli, P.; Paoletti, D.; Stefanini, C.; Müller, A. v.; Feichtmayer, A.; Vivio, F.; Belardi, V.; Dose, G.; Sano, G. D. et al.; Roccella, S.; Calabro, G.; You, J.-H.; Neu, R.: Pre-conceptual design of a PFC equipped with a W lattice armour for first wall limiters in the EU-DEMO fusion reactor. Fusion Engineering and Design 191, 113742 (2023)
Kerekes, A.; Breuning, L.; Müller, A. v.; Gawlick, J.; Warmer, F.; Fietz, S.; Kembleton, R.; Ciattaglia, S.; Hering, W.; Zohm, H. et al.; Hamacher, T.: Operational characterization of tokamak and stellarator type fusion power plants from an energy system perspective. Fusion Engineering and Design 190, 113496 (2023)
Neu, R.; Coenen, J. W.; Curzadd, B.; Gietl, H.; Greuner, H.; Höschen, T.; Hunger, K.; Lürbke, R.; Mueller, A. v.; Riesch, J. et al.; Schlick, G.; Siefken, U.; Visca, E.; You, J. H.: Material and component developments for the DEMO divertor using fibre reinforcement and additive manufacturing. Materials Research Express 10, 116516 (2023)
Neu, R.; Maier, H.; Böswirth, B.; Elgeti, S.; Greuner, H.; Hunger, K.; Kondas, J.; Müller, A. v.: Investigations on cold spray tungsten/tantalum coatings for plasma facing applications. Nuclear Materials and Energy 34, 101343 (2023)
Terentyev, D.; Rieth, M.; Pintsuk, G.; Müller, A. v.; Antusch, S.; Zinovev, A.; Bakaev, A.; Poleshchuk, K.; Aiello, G.: Effect of neutron irradiation on tensile properties of advanced Cu-based alloys and composites developed for fusion applications. Journal of Nuclear Materials 584, 154587 (2023)
Mantel, N.; Bowden, D.; Herashchenko, S. S.; Fursdon, M.; Hancock, A. D. L.; Garkusha, I. E.; Roberts, J.; Makhlai, V. A.; Müller, A. v.; Barrett, T. R. et al.; You, J.-H.: Development and testing of an additively manufactured lattice for DEMO limiters. Nuclear Fusion 62, 036017 (2022)
Müller, A. v.; Dorow-Gerspach, D.; Balden, M.; Binder, M.; Buschmann, B.; Curzadd, B.; Loewenhoff, T.; Neu, R.; Schlick, G.; You, J. H.: Progress in additive manufacturing of pure tungsten for plasma-facing component applications. Journal of Nuclear Materials 566, 153760 (2022)
Tejado, E.; Müller, A. v.; You, J.-H.; Pastor, J. Y.: Mechanical behaviour of W particulate-reinforced Cu composites: Fracture toughness and R-curves. Journal of Nuclear Materials 571 (1), 153960 (2022)
Terentyev, D.; Rieth, M.; Pintsuk, G.; Riesch, J.; Müller, A. v.; Antusch, S.; Mergia, K.; Gaganidze, E.; Schneider, H.-C.; Wirtz, M. et al.; Nogami, S.; Coenen, J.; You, J. H.; Zinovev, A.; Renterghem, W. V.: Recent progress in the assessment of irradiation effects for in-vessel fusion materials: tungsten and copper alloys. Nuclear Fusion 62, 026045 (2022)
You, J.-H.; Bachmann, C.; Belardi, V. G.; Binder, M.; Bowden, D.; Calabro, G.; Fanelli, P.; Fursdon, M.; Garkusha, I. E.; Gerashchenko, S. et al.; Hunger, K.; Luca, R. d.; Makhlai, V. A.; Mantel, N.; Maviglia, F.; Müller, A. v.; Nemati, N.; Roberts, J.; Vivio, F.; Vizvary, Z.; Zhang, K.: Limiters for DEMO wall protection: Initial design concepts & technology options. Fusion Engineering and Design 174, 112988 (2022)
You, J. H.; Mazzone, G.; Visca, E.; Greuner, H.; Fursdon, H.; Addab, Y.; Bachmann, C.; Barrett, T.; Bonavolonta, U.; Böswirth, B. et al.; Castrovinci, F. M.; Carelli, C.; Coccorese, D.; Coppola, R.; Crescenzi, F.; Di Gironimo, G.; Di Maio, P. A.; Di Mambro, G.; Domptail, F.; Dongiovanni, D.; Dose, G.; Flammini, D.; Forest, L.; Frosi, P.; Gallay, F.; Ghidersa, B. E.; Harrington, C.; Hunger, K.; Imbriani, V.; Li, M.; Lukenskas, A.; Maffucci, A.; Mantel, N.; Marzullo, D.; Minniti, T.; Müller, A. v.; Noce, S.; Porfiri, M.T.; Quartararo, A.; Richou, M.; Roccella, S.; Terentyev, D.; Tincani, A.; Vallone, E.; Ventre, S.; Villari, R.; Villone, F.; Vorpahl, C.; Zhang, K.: Divertor of the European DEMO: Engineering and technologies for power exhaust. Fusion Engineering and Design 175, 113010 (2022)
De Luca, R.; Fanelli, P.; Hünteler, C. B.; Vivio, F.; Zhang, K.; Müller, A. v.; Calabro, G.; Maviglia, F.; You, J. H.: Comparison between finite element and experimental evidences of innovative W lattice materials for sacrificial limiter applications. Fusion Engineering and Design 169, 112493 (2021)
You, J. H.; Visca, E.; Barrett, T.; Böswirth, B.; Crescenzi, F.; Domptail, F.; Dose, G.; Fursdon, M.; Gallay, F.; Greuner, H. et al.; Hunger, K.; Lukenskas, A.; Müller, A. v.; Richou, M.; Roccella, S.; Vorpahl, C.; Zhang, K.: High-heat-flux technologies for the European demo divertor targets: State-of-the-art and a review of the latest testing campaign. Journal of Nuclear Materials 544, 152670 (2021)
Greuner, H.; Böswirth, B.; Hunger, K.; Khan, A.; Barrett, T. R.; Gallay, F.; Richou, M.; Visca, E.; Müller, A. v.; You, J. H.: Assessment of the high heat flux performance of European DEMO divertor mock-ups. Physica Scripta 2020 (T171), 014003 (2020)
Müller, A. v.; Binder, M.; Calabro, G.; De Luca, R.; Fanelli, P.; Neu, R.; Schlick, G.; Vivio, F.; You, J.-H.: Tailored tungsten lattice structures for plasma-facing components in magnetic confinement fusion devices. Materials Today 39, S. 146 - 147 (2020)
Müller, A. v.; Böswirth, B.; Cerri, V.; Greuner, H.; Neu, R.; Siefken, U.; Visca, E.; You, J. H.: Application of tungsten–copper composite heat sink materials to plasma-facing component mock-ups. Physica Scripta 2020 (T171), 014015 (2020)
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