Publikationen von E. Stenson

Vortrag (34)

Stenson, E.; Pedersen, T. S.; Saitoh, H.; Hergenhahn, U.; Stanja, J.; Niemann, H.; Paschkowski, N.; Schweikhard, L.; Marx, G. H.; Hugenschmidt, C. et al.; Piochacz, C.; Surko, C. M.; Danielson, J. R.; Stoneking, M. R.: En route to matter-antimatter pair plasmas. DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2015 der Fachverbände Kurzzeitphysik und Plasmaphysik, Bochum (eingereicht)
Stenson, E. V.; Saitoh, H.; Stanja, J.; Niemann, H.; Hergenhahn, U.; Pedersen, T. S.; Marx, G.; Schweikhard, L.; Danielson, J. R.; Surko, C. M. et al.; Hugenschmidt, C.: Progress toward positron-electron pair plasma experiments. 11th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas, Takamatsu (eingereicht)
Stenson, E.; Bellan, P.: Axial flows in expanding arched, plasma-filled flux tubes. DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Jena (2013)

Poster (74)

Danielson, J. R.; Deller, A.; Rogge, C. W.; Stenson, E. V.; Hugenschmidt, C.; Surko, C. M.: A buffer-gas trap for the NEPOMUC positron beam: optimization studies with electrons. 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, GA (2024)
Gil, P. F.; Jorge, R.; Smoniewski, J.; Buller, S.; Buglione-Ceresa, E.; Huslage, P.; Stenson, E. V.: Single-Stage, Stochastic Optimization and Analysis of Coil Perturbations for the EPOS Stellarator. 24th International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop (ISHW 2024), Hiroshima (eingereicht)
Huslage, P.; Schoenberg, E. v.; Lürbke, R.; Gil, P. F.; Smoniewski, J.; Orona, D.; Schmeling, D.; Stenson, E. V.: Non-insulated ReBCO HTS Coils and Support Structure for the EPOS Stellarator. 24th International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop (ISHW 2024), Hiroshima (eingereicht)
Linden, J. v. d.; Deller, A.; Nissl, S.; Saitoh, H.; Higaki, H.; Michishio, K.; Stenson, E. V.; APEX Collaboration: Magnetically confined positrons forming positronium. 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, GA (2024)
Linden, J. v. d.; Deller, A.; Stenson, E. V.; Saitoh, H.; Higaki, H.; Michishio, K.; Nißl, S.: Gamma spectra of positronium from charge-exchange with magnetically confined positrons. 15th International School/Symposium for Space Simulations (ISSS-15) and the 16th International Workshop on the Interrelationship between Plasma Experiments in the Laboratory and in Space (IPELS-16), Garching bei München (2024)
Linden, J. v. d.; Deller, A.; Stenson, E. V.; Saitoh, H.; Higaki, H.; Michishio, K.; Nißl, S.: Gamma spectra of positronium from charge-exchange with magnetically confined positrons. 15th International School/Symposium for Space Simulations (ISSS-15) and the 16th International Workshop on the Interrelationship between Plasma Experiments in the Laboratory and in Space (IPELS-16), Garching bei München (2024)
Schmeling, D.; Huslage, P.; Gil, P. F.; Schoenberg, E. v.; Orona, D.; Mendonça, D.; Buglione-Ceresa, E.; Smoniewski, J.; Lürbke, R.; Buller, S. et al.; Jorge, R.; Deller, A.; Stenson, E. V.; Paul, E. J.; Paz Soldan, C.; Russo, M.; Richardson, K.; Filor, L.; Haque, M.; Nwokorie, N.; Baillod, A.; Freiberger, S. W.; Lopez, R.; Rawlinson, G.; Garmonina, M.; Kim, S.; Komatsu, S.; Wood, A.; APEX Collaboration; CSX Team: Non-insulated, non-planar HTS coils for the EPOS and CSX stellarators. 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, GA (2024)
Smoniewski, J.; Gil, P. F.; Huslage, P.; Buglione-Ceresa, E.; Schoenberg, E. v.; Orona, D.; Schmeling, D.; Mendonca, D.; Lürbke, R.; Buller, S. et al.; Jorge, R.; Stenson, E. V.; APEX Collaboration: Optimization and coil development for a tabletop HTS pair plasma stellarator. 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, GA (2024)
Smoniewski, J.; Gil, P. F.; Huslage, P.; Stenson, E. V.: Designing a stellarator for electron-positron plasmas. 24th International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop (ISHW 2024), Hiroshima (eingereicht)
Stenson, E. V.; Bayer, V. C.; Buglione-Ceresa, E.; Card, A.; Danielson, J. R.; Deller, A.; Gil, P. F.; Hugenschmidt, C.; Huslage, P.; Linden, J. v. d. et al.; Mendonca, D.; Nissl, S.; Orona, D.; Rogge, C. W.; Schmeling, D.; von Schoenberg, E.; Schweikhard, L.; Singer, M.; Smoniewski, J.; Steinbrunner, P.; Stoneking, M. R.; Surko, C. M.; Zettl, A.; APEX Collaboration: Overview of recent progress from A Positron Electron eXperiment (APEX). 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, GA (2024)
Stoneking, M. R.; Card, A.; Deller, A.; Bayer, V.; Steinbrunner, P.; Stenson, E. V.; APEX Collaboration: First (Non-neutral) Plasma in the APEX Levitated Dipole. 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, GA (2024)
Card, A.; Stoneking, M. R.; Deller, A.; Stenson, E. V.; Linden, J. v. d.; Horn-Stanja, J.; Hintze, C.; Saitoh, H.; Pedersen, T. S.; Schmeling, D. et al.; APEX Collaboration: Design, construction, and commissioning of a levitated dipole trap for electron-positron pair plasma studies. 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Denver, CO (2023)
Danielson, J. R. R.; Deller, A.; Stenson, E. V.; Rogge, C. W.; Hugenschmidt, C.; Surko, C. M.; APEX: A Buffer-Gas Trap for the NEPOMUC High-Intensity Low-Energy Positron Beam. 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Denver, CO (2023)
Gil, P.; Smoniewski, J.; Huslage, P.; Stenson, E.: Impacts of Coil Optimization Parameters on Quasisymmetry for the EPOS Stellarator. 49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Bordeaux (eingereicht)
Huslage, P.; Gil, P.; Smoniewski, J.; Stenson, E. V.; Paul, E.; Schmeling, D.; Landreman, M.; Hurwitz, S.: Optimized Non-Planar ReBCO Coils for the EPOS Stellarator. 28th International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT-28), Aix-en-Provence (eingereicht)
Huslage, P.; Smoniewski, J.; Gil, P.; Stenson, E.; Lobsien, J.-F.; Kulla, D.; Schuler, T.: Optimizing HTS coils for the EPOS pair plasma stellarator. 49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Bordeaux (eingereicht)
Linden, J. v. d.; Deller, A.; Saitoh, H.; Higaki, H.; Michishio, K.; Hori, T.; Oshima, N.; Nissl, S.; Stenson, E. V.; APEX Collaboration: The evolution of a bunch of 104-105 positrons in a dipole trap: efficient injection, toroidal homogenization, collisional pitch angle scattering, and radial diffusion to the wall. 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Denver, CO (2023)
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