Publikationen von D. Wagner

Konferenzband (2)

Progress of CW compatible implementations of line-of-sight ECE measurements within waveguide based ECRH transmission systems. 8th International Workshop "Strong Microwaves and Terahertz Waves: Sources and Applications", Russia.
Controlled High-Power Microwave Diplexers. 8th International Workshop "Strong Microwaves and Terahertz Waves: Sources and Applications", Russia.

Konferenzbeitrag (80)

Wagner, D.; Kasparek, W.; Leuterer, F.; Schütz, H.; Stober, J.; Thumm, M.: A Combined 60/170 GHz Notch Filter for Collective Thomson Scattering at ITER. In: 2023 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz). 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Montreal, 17. September 2023 - 22. September 2023. IEEE, New York, NY (2023)
Ruess, T.; Gantenbein, G.; Jin, J.; Marek, A.; Rzesnicki, T.; Thumm, M.; Wagner, D.; Jelonnek, J.: Verification of the 170/204 GHz Quasi-Optical Output Coupler of the 2 MW Coaxial-Cavity Gyrotron using a Mode Generator Setup. In: 2022 14th German Microwave Conference (GeMic), S. 5 - 8. 14th German Microwave Conference (GeMic 2022), Ulm, 16. Mai 2022 - 18. Mai 2022. IEEE, New York, NY (2022)
Wagner, D.; Kasparek, W.; Leuterer, F.; Monaco, F.; Ruess, T.; Schütz, H.; Stober, J.; Thumm, M.: Compact Multi-Frequency Sub-THz Notch Filters with Rejection within and above the Pass Band. In: 2022 47th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz). 47th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW THz 2022) (Virtual Edition), Delft, 28. August 2022 - 02. September 2022. IEEE, New York, NY (2022)
Wagner, D.; Kasparek, W.; Leuterer, F.; Monaco, F.; Ruess, T.; Stober, J.; Thumm, M.: Two-Frequency Notch Filters for Sub-THz Plasma Diagnostics. In: 2021 46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz). 46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW THz 2021), Chengdu, 29. August 2021 - 03. September 2021. IEEE, New York, NY (2021)
Illy, S.; Avramidis, K.; Ioannidis, Z.; Aiello, G.; Benin, P.; Chelis, I.; Dinklage, A.; Gantenbein, G.; Jelonnek, J.; Jin, J. et al.; Laqua, H.; Leggieri, A.; Legrand, F.; Marek, A.; Marsen, S.; Pagonakis, I.; Ruess, T.; Rzesnicki, T.; Scherer, T.; Strauss, D.; Thumm, M.; Tigelis, I.; Wagner, D.; Weggen, J.; Wolf, R. C.: Recent Development of a 1.5 MW, 140 GHz Continuous-Wave Gyrotron for the Upgraded ECRH System at W7-X. In: 2020 45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz). 45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW THz 2020) (Virtual Edition), Buffalo, NY, 08. November 2020 - 13. November 2020. IEEE, New York, NY (2020)
Wagner, D.; Stober, J.; Kircher, M.; Leuterer, F.; Monaco, F.; Münich, M.; Schubert, M.; Zohm, H.; Gantenbein, G.; Jelonnek, J. et al.; Thumm, M.; Meier, A.; Scherer, T.; Strauss, D.; Kasparek, W.; Lechte, C.; Plaum, B.; Zach, A.; Litvak, A. G.; Denisov, G. G.; Chirkov, A.; Malygin, V.; Popov, L. G.; Nichiporenko, V. O.; Myasnikov, V. E.; Tai, E. M.; Solyanova, E. A.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Improvement of the Power Handling Capability of the Upgraded Multi-Frequency ECRH System at ASDEX Upgrade. In: 2020 45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz). 45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW THz 2020) (Virtual Edition), Buffalo, NY, 08. November 2020 - 13. November 2020. IEEE, New York, NY (2020)
Ruess, T.; Avramidis, K. A.; Gantenbein, G.; Ioannidis, Z.; Illy, S.; Jin, J.; Lutz, F.-C.; Marek, A.; Ruess, S.; Rzesnicki, T. et al.; Thumm, M.; Wagner, D.; Weggen, J.; Jelonnek, J.: Automated Generation of High-Order Modes for Tests of Quasi-Optical Systems of Gyrotrons for W7-X Stellarator. In: 2019 12th German Microwave Conference (GeMiC), S. 226 - 228. 12th German Microwave Conference (GeMiC), Stuttgart, 25. März 2019 - 27. März 2019. IEEE, New York, NY (2019)
Wagner, D.; Stober, J.; Kircher, M.; Leuterer, F.; Monaco, F.; Münich, M.; Schubert, M.; Zohm, H.; Gantenbein, G.; Jelonnek, J. et al.; Thumm, M.; Meier, A.; Scherer, T.; Strauss, D.; Kasparek, W.; Lechte, C.; Plaum, B.; Zach, A.; Litvak, A. G.; Denisov, G. G.; Chirkov, A.; Malygin, V.; Popov, L. G.; Nichiporenko, V. O.; Myasnikov, V. E.; Tai, E. M.; Solyanova, E. A.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Completion of the 8 MW Multi-Frequency ECRH System at ASDEX Upgrade. In: 2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz). 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW THz 2019), Paris, 01. September 2019 - 06. September 2019. IEEE, New York, NY (2019)
Stober, J.; Bock, A.; Fable, E.; Fischer, R.; Angioni, C.; Bobkov, V.; Burckhart, A.; Doerk, H.; Herrmann, A.; Hobirk, J. et al.; Hopf, C.; Kallenbach, A.; Mlynek, A.; Neu, R.; Pütterich, T.; Reich, M.; Rittich, D.; Schubert, M.; Wagner, D.; Zohm, H.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Advanced tokamak experiments in full-W ASDEX Upgrade. In: 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, PDP-4. 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2016), Kyoto, 17. Oktober 2016 - 22. Oktober 2016. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2018)
Wagner, D.; Stober, J.; Kircher, M.; Leuterer, F.; Monaco, F.; Münich, M.; Schubert, M.; Zohm, H.; Gantenbein, G.; Jelonnek, J. et al.; Thumm, M.; Meier, A.; Scherer, T.; Strauss, D.; Kasparek, W.; Lechte, C.; Plaum, B.; Zach, A.; Litvak, A. G.; Denisov, G. G.; Chirkov, A.; Malygin, V.; Popov, L. G.; Nichiporenko, V. O.; Myasnikov, V. E.; Tai, E. M.; Solyanova, E. A.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: The Multi-Frequency ECRH System at ASDEX Upgrade – Current Status and Plans. In: 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 2018. 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2018), Nagoya, 09. September 2018 - 14. September 2018. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2018)
Nielsen, S. K.; Jacobsen, A.; Kjer Hansen, S.; Korsholm, S. B.; Leipold, F.; Rasmussen, J.; Salewski, M.; Stejner, M.; Denk, S.; Stober, J. et al.; Schubert, M.; Wagner, D.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Three-wave interaction during electron cyclotron resonance heating and current drive. In: 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 2016. 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2016), Copenhagen, 25. September 2016 - 30. September 2016. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2016)
Schubert, M.; Plaum, B.; Vorbrugg, S.; Herrmann, A.; Kasparek, W.; Monaco, F.; Petzold, B.; Poli, E.; Schütz, H.; Stober, J. et al.; Wagner, D.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Enhancing O-2 mode electron cyclotron heating capabilities at ASDEX Upgrade. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.026 (Hg. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, 04. Juli 2016 - 08. Juli 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Stejner, M.; Nielsen, S.; Jacobsen, A. S.; Korsholm, S. B.; Leipold, F.; McDermott, R. M.; Rasmussen, J.; Salewski, M.; Schubert, M.; Stober, J. et al.; Wagner, D.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Measuring main-ion temperatures in ASDEX Upgrade using scattering of ECRH radiation. In: 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 2016. 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2016), Copenhagen, 25. September 2016 - 30. September 2016. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2016)
Vaccaro, A.; Meier, A.; Stober, J.; Wagner, D.; Scherer, T. A.: Investigation of a Broadband Double-disc Diamond Window Unit. In: 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 2016. 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2016), Copenhagen, 25. September 2016 - 30. September 2016. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2016)
Wagner, D.; Stober, J.; Kircher, M.; Leuterer, F.; Monaco, F.; Münich, M.; Schubert, M.; Zohm, H.; Gantenbein, G.; Jelonnek, J. et al.; Thumm, M.; Meier, A.; Scherer, T.; Strauss, D.; Kasparek, W.; Lechte, C.; Plaum, B.; Zach, A.; Litvak, A. G.; Denisov, G. G.; Chirkov, A.; Popov, L. G.; Nichiporenko, V. O.; Myasnikov, V. E.; Tai, E. M.; Solyanova, E. A.; Malygin, S. A.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Extension of the Multi-Frequency ECRH System at ASDEX Upgrade. In: 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 2016. 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2016), Copenhagen, 25. September 2016 - 30. September 2016. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2016)
Brand, H. v. d.; Baar, M. d.; Hennen, B.; Oosterbeek, J. W.; Bongers, W.; Westerhof, E.; Kasparek, W.; Doelman, N.; Klop, W.; Giannone, L. et al.; Stober, J.; Monaco, F.; Schütz, H.; Wagner, D.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Combined Electron Cyclotron Emission and Heating for the Suppression of Magnetic Islands in Fusion Plasmas. In: Proceedings of Science, 002. 1st EPS Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD), Frascati, 14. April 2015 - 17. April 2015. (2015)
Hirsch, M.; Benndorf, A.; Blanco, E.; Burhenn, R.; Cappa, A.; Estrada, T.; Ewert, K.; Gliege, G.; Hartfuss, H.-J.; Heuer, C. et al.; Herrmann, R.; Kasparek, W.; Knauer, J. P.; Kornejew, P.; Krämer-Flecken, A.; Lapayese, F.; Milligen, B. v.; Mohr, S.; Neuner, U.; Pacios, L.; Peña, A. d. l.; Pilopp, D.; Plaum, B.; Rüter, N.; Sieber, T.; Stange, T.; Steffen, M.; Pedersen, T. S.; Trimino-Mora, H.; Wagner, D.; Windisch, T.; Wolf, S.: Microwave and Interferometer Diagnostics prepared for first Plasma Operation of Wendelstein 7-X. In: Proceedings of Science, 111. 1st EPS Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD), Frascati, 14. April 2015 - 17. April 2015. (2015)
Hirsch, M.; Burhenn, R.; Estrada, T.; Hartfuss, H.-J.; Kasparek, W.; Krämer-Flecken, A.; Köppen, M.; Kornejew, P.; Lechte, C.; Neuner, U. et al.; Plaum, B.; Standley, B.; Stange, T.; Trimino-Mora, H.; Windisch, T.; Wagner, D.; Wolf, S.: Microwave and Interferometer Diagnostics for Wendelstein 7-X. In: 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.069 (Hg. Ratynskaia, S.; Mantica, P.; Benuzzi-Mounaix, A.; Dilecce, G.; Bingham, R. et al.). 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin, 23. Juni 2014 - 27. Juni 2014. (2014)
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