Publikationen von R. König
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (172)
66, 015005 (2024)
Analysis of the neutral fluxes in the divertor region of Wendelstein 7-X under attached and detached conditions using EMC3-EIRENE. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 2.
64, 086027 (2024)
Conditions and benefits of X-point radiation for the island divertor. Nuclear Fusion 3.
64, 076060 (2024)
Heat and particle exhaust in high-performance plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion 4.
95, 073503 (2024)
Multi-delay coherence imaging spectroscopy optimized for ion temperature measurements in the divertor plasma of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator. Review of Scientific Instruments 5.
64, 056042 (2024)
Impurity leakage mechanisms in the Wendelstein 7-X island divertor under friction-dominated conditions. Nuclear Fusion 6.
64, 126047 (2024)
First experimental confirmation of island SOL geometry effects in a high radiation regime on W7-X. Nuclear Fusion 7.
63, 026031 (2023)
Improvement in the simulation tools for heat distribution predictions and control of baffle and middle divertor loads in Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion 8.
63, 026022 (2023)
Effects of drifts on scrape-off layer transport in W7-X. Nuclear Fusion 9.
34, 101363 (2023)
First feedback-controlled divertor detachment in W7-X: Experience from TDU operation and prospects for operation with actively cooled divertor. Nuclear Materials and Energy 10.
4 (1), S. 142 - 151 (2023)
Development of the W7-X Alkali Metal Beam Diagnostic Observation System for OP2. Journal of Nuclear Engineering 11.
63, 099501 (2023)
Corrigendum: Gas exhaust in the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator during the first divertor operation (2022 Nucl. Fusion 62 096016). Nuclear Fusion 12.
63, 066005 (2023)
Modeling of plasma beta effects on the island divertor transport in the standard configuration of W7-X. Nuclear Fusion 13.
62, 016006 (2022)
Plasma-surface interaction in the stellarator W7-X: conclusions drawn from operation with graphite plasma-facing components. Nuclear Fusion 14.
64, 125015 (2022)
Identification of fast ion wall loads in Wendelstein 7-X from thermographic measurements. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 15.
33, 101269 (2022)
Bayesian modeling of collisional-radiative models applicable to thermal helium beam plasma diagnostics. Nuclear Materials and Energy 16.
64, 075010 (2022)
Impurity temperatures measured via line shape analysis in the island scrape-off-layer of Wendelstein 7-X. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 17.
64, 084001 (2022)
Anisotropic diffusion as a proxy model for the estimation of heat-loads on plasma-facing components. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 18.
62, 026011 (2022)
Plasma beta effects on the edge magnetic field structure and divertor heat loads in Wendelstein 7-X high-performance scenarios. Nuclear Fusion 19.
62, 036023 (2022)
Analysis of hydrogen fueling, recycling, and confinement at Wendelstein 7-X via a single-reservoir particle balance. Nuclear Fusion 20.
62, 042022 (2022)
Experimental confirmation of efficient island divertor operation and successful neoclassical transport optimization in Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion