Publikationen von C. Wimmer
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Zeitschriftenartikel (57)
64, 086063 (2024)
Contributions of the extended ELISE and BATMAN Upgrade test facilities to the roadmap towards ITER NBI. Nuclear Fusion 2.
64, 076046 (2024)
Beam optics of RF ion sources in view of ITER's NBI systems. Nuclear Fusion 3.
2743, 012025 (2024)
Work function of the caesiated converter surface at the BATMAN Upgrade H- ion source at different operational scenarios. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 4.
64, 112006 (2024)
EUROfusion contributions to ITER nuclear operation. Nuclear Fusion 5.
205, 114531 (2024)
A calorimetric evaluation method for beam targets with IR imaging: Implementation for the negative ion source BATMAN Upgrade. Fusion Engineering and Design 6.
2743, 012033 (2024)
Beam divergence of RF negative hydrogen ion sources for fusion. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 7.
2743, 012026 (2024)
Towards ITER-Relevant CW Extraction at Negative Ion Sources for Fusion. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 8.
2743, 012034 (2024)
Plasma homogeneity over the extraction beamlet groups at the half size ITER negative ion source at ELISE test facility. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 9.
57, 125201 (2024)
Ion flux measurements using a Mach-Langmuir probe in the ITER prototype neutral beam injection ion source. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 10.
191, 113590 (2023)
Lessons learned after three years of SPIDER operation and the first MITICA integrated tests. Fusion Engineering and Design 11.
56, 155201 (2023)
TALIF at H- ion sources for the determination of the density and EDF of atomic hydrogen. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 12.
189, 113471 (2023)
3D magnetic field measurements and improvements at the negative ion source BATMAN Upgrade. Fusion Engineering and Design 13.
18, C10009 (2023)
Mach probe diagnostic for determining positive ion fluxes in H- ion sources. Journal of Instrumentation 14.
2244, 012049 (2022)
Ion source developments at IPP: On the road towards achieving the ITER-NBI targets and preparing concepts for DEMO. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 15.
2244, 012053 (2022)
ITER-HNB plasma and extraction grids in BUG: Characterization of magnetic deflection correction. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 16.
2244, 012057 (2022)
Towards the optimization of the Cs evaporation configuration for long pulse operation of negative ion sources. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17.
2244, 012051 (2022)
Overview of recent and upcoming activities at the BATMAN Upgrade test facility. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 18.
2244, 012050 (2022)
On the effect of biased surfaces in the vicinity of the large extraction area of the ELISE test facility. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 19.
9, 709651 (2021)
Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources for Fusion: From Plasma Generation to Beam Properties. Frontiers in Physics 20.
2373 (1), 030004 (2021)
Impact of operational parameters on single beamlet deflection in a negative ion source for NBI applications. AIP Conference Proceedings