Publikationen von G. Orozco
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Zeitschriftenartikel (24)
64, 086063 (2024)
Contributions of the extended ELISE and BATMAN Upgrade test facilities to the roadmap towards ITER NBI. Nuclear Fusion 2.
64, 076046 (2024)
Beam optics of RF ion sources in view of ITER's NBI systems. Nuclear Fusion 3.
205, 114531 (2024)
A calorimetric evaluation method for beam targets with IR imaging: Implementation for the negative ion source BATMAN Upgrade. Fusion Engineering and Design 4.
2743, 012033 (2024)
Beam divergence of RF negative hydrogen ion sources for fusion. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 5.
189, 113471 (2023)
3D magnetic field measurements and improvements at the negative ion source BATMAN Upgrade. Fusion Engineering and Design 6.
2244, 012049 (2022)
Ion source developments at IPP: On the road towards achieving the ITER-NBI targets and preparing concepts for DEMO. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 7.
2244, 012053 (2022)
ITER-HNB plasma and extraction grids in BUG: Characterization of magnetic deflection correction. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 8.
2244, 012051 (2022)
Overview of recent and upcoming activities at the BATMAN Upgrade test facility. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 9.
173, 112837 (2021)
Computational design of magnetic beamlet deflection correction for NNBI. Fusion Engineering and Design 10.
2373 (1), 030004 (2021)
Impact of operational parameters on single beamlet deflection in a negative ion source for NBI applications. AIP Conference Proceedings 11.
11, 025330 (2021)
First direct comparison of whole beam and single beamlet divergences in a negative ion source with simultaneous BES and CFC tile calorimetry measurements editors-pick. AIP Advances 12.
165, 112225 (2021)
Design and first results of a retractable 1D-CFC beam target for BATMAN upgrade. Fusion Engineering and Design 13.
62, 025023 (2020)
Analytical Beamlet Code 3D for neutral beam injectors: principles and applications. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 14.
91, 013511 (2020)
Simulation of the gas density distribution in the accelerator of the ELISE test facility. Review of Scientific Instruments 15.
91, 013509 (2020)
Beamlet scraping and its influence on the beam divergence at the BATMAN Upgrade test facility. Review of Scientific Instruments 16.
146, Pt. A, S. 518 - 521 (2019)
Modeling neutral beam transport in fusion experiments: Studying the effects of reionisation and deflection. Fusion Engineering and Design 17.
59, 112004 (2019)
Overview of first Wendelstein 7-X high-performance operation. Nuclear Fusion 18.
146, Pt. B, S. 2105 - 2109 (2019)
Reviewed design of the high heat flux panels for the AUG and W7-X neutral beam calorimeter. Fusion Engineering and Design 19.
26, 082504 (2019)
Performance of Wendelstein 7-X stellarator plasmas during the first divertor operation phase. Physics of Plasmas 20.
123, S. 381 - 384 (2017)
Characterization and performance improvement of the large titanium sublimation pumps in the AUG and W7‐X neutral beam injectors. Fusion Engineering and Design