Publikationen von H. Schütz
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Zeitschriftenartikel (24)
313, 04001 (2024)
In-situ Low Power Tests of the ASDEX Upgrade ECRH Transmission Lines. EPJ Web of Conferences 2023
71 (6), S. 2558 - 2566 (2023)
Single-and Two-Frequency Sub-THz Waveguide Notch Filters with Rejection Frequencies within and beyond the Passband. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 2019
203, 04018 (2019)
In-situ real-time monitoring of spurious modes in HE11 transmission lines using multi-hole couplers in miter bends. EPJ Web of Conferences 2016
56, 126001 (2016)
NTM stabilization by alternating O-point EC current drive using a high-power diplexer. Nuclear Fusion
37 (1), S. 45 - 54 (2016)
Status, Operation, and Extension of the ECRH System at ASDEX Upgrade. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 2015
87, 04010 (2015)
Development of Resonant Diplexers for high-power ECRH – Status, Applications, Plans. EPJ Web of Conferences
87, 02010 (2015)
Machine safety issues with respect to the extension of ECRH systems at ASDEX Upgrade. EPJ Web of Conferences
87, 02004 (2015)
High power ECRH and ECCD in moderately collisional ASDEX Upgrade H-modes and status of EC system upgrade. EPJ Web of Conferences
87, 04012 (2015)
A Multifrequency Notch Filter for Millimeter Wave Plasma Diagnostics based on Photonic Bandgaps in Corrugated Circular Waveguides. EPJ Web of Conferences 2011
51, 083013 (10pp) (2011)
Extension of the ECRH operational space with O2 and X3 heating schemes to control tungsten accumulation in ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion
32 (12), S. 1424 - 1433 (2011)
Bragg Reflection Band Stop Filter for ECE on WEGA. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves
32 (3), S. 274 - 282 (2011)
Recent Upgrades and Extensions of the ASDEX Upgrade ECRH System. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves 2010
58 (2), S. 658 - 665 (2010)
Feed Forward Polarization Control during ECRH discharges at ASDEX Upgrade. Fusion Science and Technology 2009
55 (1), S. 31 - 44 (2009)
Operation Experience with the ASDEX Upgrade ECRH System. Fusion Science and Technology
37 (3), S. 395 - 402 (2009)
Progress and First Results with the New Multifrequency ECRH System for ASDEX Upgrade. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 2008
36 (2), S. 324 - 331 (2008)
Present Status of the New Multifrequency ECRH System for ASDEX Upgrade. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
48 (5), 054006 (6pp) (2008)
Status of the new multi-frequency ECRH system for ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 2007
52 (2), S. 313 - 320 (2007)
The New Multifrequency Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating System for ASDEX Upgrade. Fusion Science and Technology 2006
27, S. 173 - 182 (2006)
New frequency step tunable ECRH system for ASDEX Upgrade. International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 2005
74, S. 199 - 203 (2005)
Status of the new ECRH system for ASDEX Upgrade. Fusion Engineering and Design