Publikationen von K.-D. Zastrow

Zeitschriftenartikel (65)

Arnoux, G.; Devaux, S.; Alves, D.; Balboa, I.; Balorin, C.; Balshaw, N.; Beldishevski, M.; Carvalho, P.; Clever, M.; Cramp, S. et al.: A protection system for the JET ITER-like wall based on imaging diagnostics. Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 10D727 (3pp) (2012)
Brix, M.; Dodt, D.; Dunai, D.; Lupelli, I.; Marsen, S.; Melson, T. F.; Meszaros, B.; Morgan, P.; Petravich, G.; Refy, D. I. et al.: Recent improvements of the JET Lithium beam diagnostic. Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 10D533 (3pp) (2012)
Lawson, K. D.; Barnsley, R.; Maggi, C. F.; Tyrell, S.; Beldishevski, M.; Brozowski, J.; Buckley, M.; Cass, G.; Elevant, T.; Griph, S. et al.: Enhancements to the JET poloidally scanning vacuum ultraviolet/visible spectrometers. Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 10D536 (3pp) (2012)
Maggi, C. F.; Brezinsek, S.; Stamp, M. F.; Griph, S.; Heesterman, P.; Hogben, C.; Horton, A.; Meigs, A.; Morlock, C.; Studholme, W. et al.: A new visible spectroscopy diagnostic for the JET ITER-like wall main chamber. Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 10D517 (3pp) (2012)
Nave, M. F. F.; Eriksson, L.-G.; Giroud, C.; Johnson, T. J.; Kirov, K.; Mayoral, M.-L.; Noterdaeme, J.-M.; Ongena, J.; Saibene, G.; Sartori, R. et al.: JET intrinsic rotation studies in plasmas with a high normalized beta and varying toroidal field ripple. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 54, 074006 (11pp) (2012)
Jacquet, P.; Colas, L.; Mayoral, M.-L.; Arnoux, G.; Bobkov, V.; Brix, M.; Coad, P.; Czarnecka, A.; Dodt, D.; Durodie, F. et al.: Heat loads an JET plasma facing components from ICRF and LH wave absorption in the SOL. Nuclear Fusion 51, 103018 (16pp) (2011)
Tala, T.; Salmi, A.; Angioni, C.; Casson, F. J.; Corrigan, G.; Ferreira, J.; Giroud, C.; Mantica, C.; Naulin, V.; Peeters, A. G. et al.: Parametric dependences of momentum pinch and Prandtl number in JET. Nuclear Fusion 12, 123002 (11pp) (2011)
Versloot, T. W.; Sartori, R.; Rimini, F.; de Vries, P. C.; Saibene, G.; Parail, V.; Beurskens, M. N. A.; Bobc, A.; Budny, R.; Crombe, K. et al.: Comparison between dominat NB and dominat IC heated ELMy H-mode discharges in JET. Nuclear Fusion 51, 103033 (9pp) (2011)
Mantica, P.; Tala, T.; Ferreira, J. S.; Peeters, A. G.; Salmi, A.; Strintzi, D.; Weiland, J.; Brix, M.; Giroud, C.; Corrigan, G. et al.: Perturbative studies of toroidal momentum transport using neutral beam injection modulation in the Joint European Torus: Experimental results, analysis methodology, and first principles modeling. Physics of Plasmas 17, 092505 (20pp) (2010)
Versloot, T. W.; de Vries, P. C.; Giroud, C.; Hua, M. D.; Beurskens, M. N. A.; Brix, M.; Eich, T.; de la Luna, E.; Tala, T.; Naulin, V. et al.: Effect of ELMs on rotation and momentum confinement in H-mode discharges in JET. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 52, 045014 (13pp) (2010)
Durodié, F.; Nightingale, M.; Argouarch, A.; Berger-By, G.; Blackman, T.; Caughman, J.; Cocilovo, V.; Dumortier, P.; Edwards, P.; Fanthome, J. et al.: Commissioning of the ITER-like ICRF antenna for JET. Fusion Engineering and Design 84 (2-6), S. 279 - 283 (2009)
Ekedahl, A.; Rantamäki, K.; Goniche, M.; Mailloux, J.; Petrzilka, V.; Alper, B.; Baranov, Y.; Basiuk, V.; Beaumont, P.; Corrigan, G. et al.: Effect of gas injection during LH wave coupling at ITER-relevant plasma-wall distances in JET. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 51, 044001 (17pp) (2009)
Tala, T.; Zastrow, K.-D.; Ferreira, J.; Mantica, P.; Naulin, V.; Peeters, A. G.; Tardini, G.; Brix, M.; Corrigan, G.; Giroud, C. et al.: Evidence of Inward Toroidal Momentum Convection in the JET Tokamak. Physical Review Letters 102, 075001 (4pp) (2009)
Tardini, G.; Ferreira, J.; Mantica, P.; Peeters, A. G.; Tala, T.; Zastrow, K. D.; Brix, M.; Giroud, C.; Pereverzev, G. V.; JET EFDA Contributors: Angular momentum studies with NBI modulation in JET. Nuclear Fusion 49, 085010 (8pp) (2009)
Beurskens, M. N. A.; Arnoux, G.; Brezinsek, A. S.; Challis, C. D.; de Vries, P. C.; Grioud, C.; Huber, A.; Jachmich, S.; McCormick, K.; Pitts, R. A. et al.: Pedestal and ELM response to impurity seeding in JET advanced scenario plasmas. Nuclear Fusion 48 (9), 095004 (12pp) (2008)
Corre, Y.; Joffrin, E.; Monier-Garbet, P.; Andrew, Y.; Arnoux, G.; Beurskens, M.; Brezinsek, S.; Brix, M.; Buttery, R.; Coffey, I. et al.: Hybrid H-mode scenario with nitrogen seeding and type III ELMs in JET. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 50 (11), 115012 (20pp) (2008)
de Vries, P. C.; Joffrin, E.; Hawkes, N. C.; Litaudon, X.; Challis, C. D.; Andrew, Y.; Beurskens, M.; Brix, M.; Brzozowski, J.; Crombe, K. et al.: Effect of toroidal field ripple on the formation of internal transport barriers. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 50 (6), 065008 (12pp) (2008)
Litaudon, X.; Arnoux, G.; Beurskens, M.; Brezinsek, S.; Challis, C. D.; Crisanti, F.; De Vries, P. C.; Giroud, C.; Pitts, R. A.; Rimini, F. G. et al.: Development of steady-state scenarios compatible with ITER-like wall conditions. Invited Paper. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 49, S. B529 - B550 (2007)
Tala, T.; Crombe, K.; De Vries, P. C.; Ferreira, J.; Mantica, P.; Peeters, A. G.; Andrew, Y.; Budny, R.; Corrigan, G.; Eriksson, A. et al.: Toroidal and poloidal momentum transport studies in tokamaks. Invited Paper. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 49 (12B), S. B291 - B302 (2007)
Marinoni, A.; Mantica, P.; Van Eester, D.; Imbeaux, F.; Mantsinen, M.; Hawkes, N.; Joffrin, E.; Kiptily, V.; Pinches, S. D.; Salmi, A. et al.: Analysis and modelling of power modulation experiments in JET plasmas with internal transport barriers. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 48, S. 1469 - 1487 (2006)