Publikationen von A. Graband

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Haak, V.; Motojima, G.; Jagielski, B.; Naujoks, D.; Graband, A.; Pilopp, a. D.: Performance of LaB6-Emitters for Neutral Gas Pressure Gauges During Plasma Operation in the Large Helical Device. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 52 (9), S. 3511 - 3515 (2024)
Wenzel, U.; Schlisio, G.; Pedersen, T. S.; Marquardt, M.; Pilopp, D.; Rüter, N.; Graband, A.: On the stability of thoriated tungsten cathodes in strong magnetic fields. Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 083510 (2021)
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