
Research at the Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik in Garching and Greifswald is organised in ten scientific divisions.

Tokamak Scenario Development
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Zohm
The Tokamak Scenario Development Division operates the tokamak ASDEX Upgrade which concentrates on treating the physical principles for a fusion power plant. more
Physics of the Plasma Edge
Prof. Dr. Rachael M. McDermott
The division "Physics of the Plasma Edge" (E2) investigates essential scientific questions on the way to a fusion power plant. more
Plasma Edge and Wall
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Stroth
The division "Plasma Edge and Wall" (E2M) explores dynamics and transport processes in fusion plasmas as well as processes in first wall materials. more
Plasma Dynamics
Dr. Tim Happel
The division Plasma Dynamics (PD) develops an understanding of the small-scale dynamical processes in plasmas that often determine the large-scale parameters of the plasma, such as efficiency or material load. more
ITER Technology & Diagnostics
Prof. Dr. Ursel Fantz
The ITER Technology & Diagnostics division hosts IPP’s technological development contributions to ITER. more
Tokamak Theory
Prof. Dr. Frank Jenko
The Tokamak Theory division is concerned with general questions of plasma theory as well as with experimentally relevant tokamak theory.  more
Magneto-hydrodynamics and fast particles
Prof. Dr. Sibylle Günter
The research unit Magneto-hydrodynamics and fast particles (MHD) is focused on theoretical studies of large-scale magneto-hydrodynamic instabilities and their interactions with supra-thermal particles in view of future burning plasmas. more
Numerical Methods in Plasma Physics
Prof. Dr. Eric Sonnendrücker
Established in 2012, the Division is developing new computational methods for fusion research. more
Stellarator Dynamics and Transport
Prof. Dr. Thomas Klinger
Dynamical phenomena in plasmas have a fundamental spatio-temporal character, which requires sophisticated, often even imaging plasma diagnostic instruments. more
Stellarator Heating and Optimization
Prof. Dr. Robert Wolf
The experimental division "Stellarator Heating and Optimization" operates and develops the heating systems for Wendelstein 7-X and investigates the capability of the stellarator concept as fusion reactor. more
Stellarator Theory
Prof. Dr. Per Helander
It is the aim of stellarator theory to find three-dimensional toroidal magnetic field configurations for plasma confinement suitable for a fusion reactor, and to describe the plasma behavior in such configurations. more
Stellarator Reactor Studies
Prof. Dr. Felix Warmer
The Stellarator Reactor Studies (SRS) research unit is concerned with the scientific design of a stellarator-type fusion power plant. more