27th ITPA DivSOL Meeting

  • Start: Jul 2, 2019
  • End: Jul 5, 2019
  • Location: Garching
  • Host: IPP

27th meeting of ITPA Topical Group SOL and Divertor Physics (DivSOL)

Objectives of the meeting

  • Update on progress of TG DivSOL activities in the three main topical areas: Physics, Materials and Modeling.
  • Review the progress of the current joint activities and discuss status of remaining open issues and potential closure of joint activities.
  • Report on the recommendations and action items arising from the ITPA-CC meeting in January 2019.
  • Discuss and identify emerging high priority issues to be addressed for ITER and corresponding potential new joint activities for 2019/20. 

Important Dates

Defining detailed agenda: 20 February - 15 April
Notification of confirmed speakers: 15 April
Registration: 15 April - 15 June