Scientific Director of IPP awarded Emmy Noether Prize
European Physical Society distinction for women in physics
The Emmy Noether Distinction for Women in Physics has been awarded by the European Physical Society (EPS) to Professor Sibylle Günter, Scientific Director of Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics at Garching and Greifswald.

As one of the world’s leading female scientists in the field of theoretical plasma physics, she is receiving the prize in recognition of “her leading role in the study of the effects of microphysics on the large-scale behaviour and stability of hot magnetized plasmas in fusion devices. With her outstanding scientific record, many leadership roles and mentoring of researchers and students, she is a model for women physicists.”
The Emmy Noether Prize for Women in Physics is awarded by EPS twice a year, in spring and autumn, in recognition of outstanding achievements in areas such as research, education, outreach and industry. This distinction was established in February 2013 to enhance recognition of notable female physicists with a strong connection to Europe through nationality or work. Selection is decided by a three-member panel nominated by the Board of the EPS Equal Opportunities Committee in conjunction with the Presidium of EPS. Professor Günter will be presented with the Emmy Noether Prize for autumn 2015 at the EPS Plasma Physics Conference in July 2016 in Leuven, Belgium.