Highlights 2015

Research news from the division Plasma Edge and Wall

EUROfusion Fellowships

Dr. Matthias Willensdorfer has been working as a postdoctoral researcher at IPP since 2013 and is responsible for the ECE diagnostic, which measures the electron temperature. Previously, he completed both his diploma and PhD theses as a guest scientist at IPP and was in charge of the Lithium beam diagnostic.  In 2013 he finished his PhD thesis at the Technical University of Vienna entitled "Temporal behavior of the plasma edge density throughout the L-H transition in ASDEX Upgrade". Within the EUROfusion fellowship Dr. Matthias Willensdorfer will work on the impact of external magnetic perturbations and 3D effects on plasma transport.


Dr. Mike Dunne has been at IPP since 2010, first as a guest researcher from the University College Cork where in 2013 he defenced his PhD thesis entitled "Inter-ELM edge current density profiles on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak". Since July 2013 he has been employed as a postdoctoral researcher at IPP, working in the pedestal edge physics group of E2M. His work under the fusion fellowship will focus on interpretive and predictive stability calculations in nitrogen seeded and pellet fuelled discharges on ASDEX Upgrade.


Dr. Gergely Papp graduated in 2013 from a joint PhD programme between Chalmers University (Sweden) and Budapest University of Technology (Hungary). He started working at IPP-Garching as a postdoc within the Max-Planck/Princeton Center later that year. His topic under the EUROfusion fellowship (starting mid-2015) is the self-consistent modelling (including experimental validation) of runaway electron dynamics in tokamak disruptions.


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