Highlights 2016
Research news from the division Plasma Edge and Wall
Poster prize for E2M PhD student Alexander von Müller
Alexander von Müller from IPP’s E2M division has been awarded a "PhD poster prize" during the 29th SOFT (Symposium on Fusion Technology) which has been held in Prague from September 05 to 09.

The prize has been conferred during the abovementioned conference by the international organising committee and aimed at doctoral candidates who presented their research work in the form of a poster presentation.
His contribution with the title "Melt infiltrated W-Cu composites as advanced heat sink materials for plasma facing components of future nuclear fusion devices" dealt with tungsten-copper composites, a class of materials that could be beneficial with respect to applications in plasma facing components of future magnetic confinement nuclear fusion devices.
Due to the bombardment with particles emerging from the plasma, such components have to withstand intense loads during operation, especially high heat fluxes which have to be removed continuously and reliably.
The image on the left shows two micrographs of tungsten-copper composite materials that are currently being developed at IPP within the Plasma Component Interaction working group.